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junhui, hurriedly clicked the facetime button as the questioned members took a seat next to him, some stood up from behind, and seungkwan just silence at one corner.

within seconds, the screen showed a crying wenmei, eyeliner smeared and hair a mess.

not to mention, she had a huge bruise on her cheek.

"a-are you alright?" was the first sentence jun said as minghao grabbed the phone from him, scanning the features of his beloved friend.

seungkwan who stopped sulking listened to the forming conversation.

"im so so so fine." wenmei said, she was drunk and everyone noticed it, especially seungcheol.

her voice was slurred and everytime she talks her phone wobbles.

"god, what happened to you." seungcheol said, concerned lingered his voice, he was no longer angry at the sudden outburst of his friend earlier.

wenmei, even at such a weak and drunk state, managed to place her phone at something heavy so she wouldn't have to hold it, before pouting followed by tears pooling her eyes.

"i wanna go home." wenmei said as she covers her face with her shaking hands, afraid to show the members her weak state.

seungkwan, recovered from the fight, went closer to the camera, as he got a small glance of the crying girl.

"we'll pick you up, come on, where are you?" jeonghan panicked as he took a random members phone to use as a searcher.

a gps in other words.

"kohi motel." wenmei sobbed as jeonghan searched the hotel, only to find it four hours away from them.

but with no other choice, he asked mingyu to grab the car keys.

"baby, you wouldn't mind waiting for 4 hours there right? hannie will come pick you up." jeonghan cooed as wenmei nods.

"only four people will able to come with me, who's willing to go?" he added, seungcheol, soonyoung raised their hands and lastly seungkwan who seemed hesitant at first.

"okay for those who aren't coming, keep in contact with wenmei, you know what happens when she's drunk."

it wasn't loud though, more like a whisper, woozi nods as they kept talking to her, keeping her mind off something.

as the four member grabbed their coats, they went to an elevator and towards the parking area where a suv is parked.

letting jeonghan drive, it was smooth and safe.

"do you know the reason why lui's angry at you seungkwan?" seungcheol asked as he mutters a no.

"do you wanna know why?" jeonghan added as he keeps his eyes on the busy road.

"can you tell me?" seungkwan said as almost all of them sighed.

"remember during our trainee days, when wenmei confessed to you?" soonyoung started the conversation as seungkwan tilt his head.

"huh? wenmei never confessed to me." was all seungkwan said.

jeonghan almost stopped the car, as seungcheol, looked at the younger members that's sitting behind jeonghan.

"but she said she did." soonyoung said, "and we believed her, seungkwan, she likes you." seungcheol added as the younger member stared at him.

"we thought you rejected her." soonyoung said.

jeonghan only kept quiet as he focused on driving but a part of him is listening to the conversation.

seungkwan managed to laugh, rolling his eyes after, "why would i reject her?"

"because you don't like her?" seungcheol didn't even bothered to sugarcoat.

"i thought she was going to reject me." the 98 liner said his head lowering.

maybe he should have kept quiet in the groupchat, it's clear that wenmei was drunk texting yet he answered because anger got the best of him.

he wanted to slap himself in the face.

"lets just pick lui up."

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