Remember good old 2020 😀🔫
School from home.....
In the middle of class writing down important ass notes for a test.
Then low and behold.......
My cat comes and jumps on my Chromebook
Lays down and the Chromebook turns all the way off 😶
My cat sits up, as I pull out my phone as evidence of this happening and to show this to my siblings
She starts walkin away and I took the pic
And then she jumps off my desk and meows at me
They jump up on my lap and goes into my desk
I was just pissed
I was in the middle of taking IMPORTANT NOTES
And then this happens
🤦 Smh
I went back on my Chromebook and I had to sign back in.
By the time that I went back into the meet....
the class was almost over
school stories
Randomthese are stuff that goes on in my school most of them I did myself and my story. This is story contains funny relatable shit stupid stuff Offensive ***Contains Cursing****