I love my church class.
Just on my phone and don't have to pay attention to ze religion
Heck I have seen people sleep on that class
No one really gives a shit the teacher doesn't really gives a shit letting the students sleep and on their phones
The teach knows the only thing we are in this class is because of religious parents forcing their children to join the religion
Bet this was really happened on that cross
Damn RomansKilled Jesus's ass 👩🦼👩🦽
He suffered for our sins Goddamn then fucking in the ass without lube and content is a sin then
If ya fuck without lube u goin to hell my guys
No content? Ya goin to hell
God Killin the dinosaurs cuz they couldn't build them temples nor churches the dinosaurs couldn't even write no bible then
Wipe them out and get somethin elseOut with the old in with the new
Bye bye bitches that's my rant/whatever this is
school stories
Randomthese are stuff that goes on in my school most of them I did myself and my story. This is story contains funny relatable shit stupid stuff Offensive ***Contains Cursing****