17 || Conspiracy Theory

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Their next game was against the Cardinals. Rue didn't put on any of the pads but she still had her jersey and hockey skates on to practice with her friends.

"What the hell are they doing?" a Cardinal asked his teammate while pointing at the Ducks.

They were practicing their game communication by skating in circles while throwing footballs. Rue watched as Jesse threw the ball to Nova, who surprisingly catched it. She then threw it to Averman, who ducked and watched the ball soar towards their coach. Rue chuckled at the sight of her friend's freaked out face after their coach thankfully catched the ball she threw.

"Jesus Collins!" he said impressed, "You've got quite a throw"

Averman turned around and laughed "Yeah, she's got quite the kick, spike, serve, volley, pass, shot, and any other thing that could make of use in sports" he stated. Bombay threw the ball back to Averman as everyone started skating in circles again.

"Every time you get the puck," He started while pointing at some of the players with a football, "You're the quarterback, make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him, let him know it's comin'!"

The team full of red birds observed as the Ducks got off the ice, leaving it for Fulton and his slap shots. Bombay spreaded out some pucks in front of him, before stepping beside him.

"Okay Fulton, shoot your heart out" he told him.

Fulton nodded, before placing a puck exactly where he wanted it to be before shooting.

"My God!" Guy exclaimed as he approached the side of the box next to Rue. Normally, she'd be next to their coach but decided to go in the box for... security reasons. They watched as Fulton's pucks hit the stands, glass, the boards, the ice and only one went inside the goal. Rue smiled at the sight of the Cardinals' halfly scared halfly impressed expressions to her friend's slap shot.

"Alright, let's forget the past," Gordon started while the team huddled up, "We lost a few games, tough! That was District Five, now we're the Ducks. And the Ducks... are undefeated!"

The team cheered in response.

"Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! GOOOOOO DUCKS!" they chanted.

Rue watched with a bright smile as her friends took their positions. Guy was doing the face off as Nova was on the left and Connie on the right.

The game had finally begun.

- - - -

Rue rushed towards Karp with Bombay and the rest of the team. A Cardinal had shot the puck directly on his head.

"I don't want to go to school today, Mom" Karp said as they took off his helmet.

"Karp, how many fingers am I holding up?" Bombay asked.

"He wouldn't know that anyway" Peter retorted.

"The Karp-ster, used his head to stop the puck," Averman said as Guy gave Karp's helmet to their coach, "Mr. Karp-a-lanee"

Rue annoyedly glared at Averman which made him stop. She helped Charlie get Karp on the bench as the others got ready for the secret weapon. It was third period and the Ducks were losing 1-2.

"Okay Fulton... remember what we just talked about" Bombay told him calmly.

He nodded in response and started walking out the box as the Ducks cheered for him.

Rue watched in hope as Guy did the face off and passed behind to where Jesse was. Jesse cardled the puck and sent it to Fulton. Jesse, Guy and Nova rushed to the other side of the ice while Connie stayed behind Fulton. He slowly raised his stick in the air, preparing for a slap-shot, which had Cardinal players and the goalie flying.

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