Huggy x reader ⚠️LEMON⚠️

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If Huggy Wuggy was R rated-

Requested by morgue_bunny  !!

This is also my first lemon so sorry if it's terrible-
You was scanning your toy that you 'had to make' since nobody leaves without a toy eh? After the scanning was finished the door opened, revealing a fairly lit hallway and two doors with what seemed to be another room but was pitch black.

You tried to open one door, it wouldn't open. So, you tired the other but that didn't work either. You looked at the darkness before you, taking a breath and started walking again until the tall and blue figure supposedto be Huggy Wuggy walked out from the darkness, alarms started going off, you screamed and started running, you where glad he was slow, oh boy you where so wrong.

You quickly slid into the surprisingly wide vents and started sprinting, the surprisingly wide vents certainly wasn't wide enough for Huggy, he started crawling towards you at a very fast pace, it was... disturbing, you froze but quickly snapped out of it, squealed and started running again Huggy right behind you.

hearing a loud screech, then a weight landing on you, It was Huggy Wuggy he was on top towering over you, he was just looking down at your figure, very amused. You kept you eyes closed and covered your ears, waited for a few minutes but nothing happened. You slowly looked up and saw Huggy still on top of you.

Your breath hitched, his amused smile never leaving his face, he then bent down and licked your cheek softly, you blushed slightly and looked up at him more and started to pet his arm fur, Huggy started purring, it was kind of adorable but it still scared you a little bit.

Huggy then licked your face again, then your neck and then started nibbling you gently so he doesn't hurt you with his sharp teeth, you liked it a little bit-
Huggy then pressed his fluffy body against you, his purring making you feel weird but it was nice.

You moaned a little bit, Huggy kept licking your neck and he pushed his body closer to yours and purred harder, you lifted your knees and legs up a bit and Huggy pushed himself harder against you, still purring.

You started to move your waists agains his and heard Huggy make a weird moan/purr noise (just think of something idk lol) and he started to push down even harder against you.

Enough was enough, Huggy ripped off your pants suddenly feeling something big- and wet brush up against your own area, it was his (Member or pp- I prefer to use member- sorry a)

You gasped and blushed even harder then you moaned even louder, Huggy started to lick your entrance with his long wet tongue, about a minute later he set himself on top of you again, your face heating up more and more, he softly pushed his wet member inside of your entrance a bit at a time "H-huggy..." you breathed out, he bent down again and licked your face.

A few minutes later he started moving in and out of you, his long member already reaching your spot and you moaned loudly, Huggy started moving faster. You could almost hear him growling wanting to move faster but he didn't really want to hurt you.

You started drooling and arched your back, Huggy moving faster in and out of your hot and now soaked entrance, you where almost reaching your orgasm, Huggy was panting, both of you holding onto each other, he was moving harder and faster now, you felt him twitching inside of you, even you moments away from your orgasm, you couldn't take it anymore.

"Huggy!" You moaned out loudly, hot breath steaming up the vent walls and wet sounds where heard as you finally came, Huggy came too and was panting while he licked you again as you both came at the same time.

You both lay there, you now on top of Huggy, you where holding onto him, both of you falling asleep from the previous event.


WOOoo first lemon! Sorry if it wasn't the best- also again I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, I'll try and correct them another day :p

But if you made it this far,,

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night <3 ✨


Huggy wuggy x reader//oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now