Fighting and Mating

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People talking

Grazia POV

I look behind me seeing two shot like marks in my back. But there were no guns not even the sound of a shot.

T~ Grazia where are you~

The worried voice of tsu'tey cuts through the air. I froze not know what to do.

g~ im over her, I'm ok love~

I get up brushing myself off and walking to him. Of course, I didn't notice the blood running down my back but he did.

T~ Grazia! what happened. Who did this.~

He states this angrily and worried as he looks around.

g~ I-I don't know it just started happening, I didn't know what to do~

He inspects the wounds, being careful not to hurt me but I hiss each time he touches them. He shakes his head. Then takes my head leading me to "bed".

Once we are there helps me down and keeps a hand on my waist.

~time skip to morning~

Waking up and yet again not able to go back to my human body. But at the same time I love it. U push tsu'tey over to wake him up. Only to get a groan in response as he rolls over.

g~ tsu'tey wake up today is the day and your going to be late~

Nothing not even a sound.

g~ I'm going to push you out of this hammock~

Nothing get again but I have one more thing up my sleeve, well if I had one.

g~ I'm going to see Jake~

To this one sentence he immediately wakes up. Gripping onto my waist pulling me to him. I only laugh and kiss his head.

g~ Good morning sleepy head~

I say this as I run my fingers through his unbraided hair.

T~ your rude, you know how much I hat- dislike him~

g~ I know but I had to get you up because we can't be late~

He only nods and gets up as he helps me out as well. We walk down and are met with a group of people, instantly he grumps.

Tsu'tey grumbles and drags me to the horse with the other following. Group giggles at the sene but only receive a glare from their teacher.

We all "suit up" and start through the path. I stay at the back of the line so I don't distract Tsu'tey as much as go up. Once we get as far as we can on horse back we send then back.

T~ we will climb now. Grab the rope and climb fast.

He looks at me with worry but I simply emailed even through I'm panicking on the inside to myself.

Tsu'tey goes first followed by the others and Jake. I'm last but my fear get worse. My lover looks down to me.

T~ you have to hurry or you will not be able to keep going~

He shouts this down to me. Taking a deep breath and jumping, clinging to the vine like rope. Whimpering softly I start to climb making it to the top. I sigh and look at Jake as he nods and giving me a thumbs up. Looking to Tsu'tey I see a jealousy look and glares to Jake. I stand putting my hand on his shoulder but he jerks away and moves on. All I can do is try not to cry and keep moving.

Tsu'tey ocWhere stories live. Discover now