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Betrayal. Not the best feeling. In my opinion it depends on who is betraying you. It depends on the strength and trust built in the relationship. This type of  betrayal is the worst because the betrayal is coming from my family.
"AMARA" father yells from his study
I run upstairs and knock before walking in.
I see my father all high and mighty of his throne built by lies and death, and my brothers sitting across from him looking at me like they are looking at a ghost.
"Yes father"
"Sit" I go to sit in the third chair in between my brothers
"Since you are well above marrying age we think you should find a husband" he looks at me but I know he isn't done. "But no need to worry we have found you one."
What in the hell. I can not act surprised I can not freak out I must stay calm.
"Who" I ask praying my voice doesn't betray me
"Lucas King" I heart drops I feel like the wind just got knocked out of me. I can't find breath. Is my father killing is his suffocating me. Why can I not breath. Amare breath breath. Shit. No emotion. No emotion. No emotion.
"No" did that just come out of my mouth. My brothers turn there heads so quickly they might have wip flash. No one says no to my father especially me.
"No?" He looks like he might laugh
"You will not sell me away like a animal"
"Why not, that is what you where born for" he has the audacity to tell ME that marriage is what a women is married for.
"I will not marry Lucas and I will not be sold like a mule"
"Mara it's already done" Xavier looks so sad as he tells me MY life is over. He dose not get to be sad.
"You knew" I turn my head
"We are sorry Mara" Enzo speaks up
"DO NOT CALL ME MARA" I stand up in rage and run out. I run down stairs. I run through the kitchen. I run through the doors. But I can't run through the gates. The gates keep me locked up like a prisoner. The gates are always closed.
I sit in the grass and think about how much emotion I just gave my fathers. I hate that I let him see a part of me break. I should've stayed strong. But I can not marry him. He is a monster. Well not like I have met him but I have heard all the story's. I can I just can't do this. I have to run I ha-
"MARAAAAA" a tiny voice comes running through the yard.
"Ohhh hello my little flower" I wipe my tears so fast I hope she doesn't see
"Hehehehe I wanted to show you my new flowers" she hands me a bunch of Lilly's
"They are beautiful just like you" I say. She blushes and tells me how she is going to find more and will come find me after. I give her my brightest smile and she is one her way. I can not leave her alone here.
I walk back inside into my fathers office. I don't care to knock. I know my brothers are still in there waiting for me.
"Oh look it's the weak girl finally coming to act like a grown up?" Father glares at me. This is why I show no emotion. No weakness.
"I want to know why, how did you get in touch with the kings, how did he say yes. Why is this happening." I sit down. I do not dare glance at my brothers knowing all I will see is guilt swimming in there eyes and they deserve that.
"He came to us" what? "He said he wanted you. He said we either give you to him or he crushes us" huh? "I guess it was really a no brainer"
This asshole. I do everything for this mafia. I might as well lead it. I plan missions and take care of imports and exports of weapons and drugs, I am the best baiter out their not to mention my brain and combat skills. I don't have time to fight him. I get up
"Xavier and Enzo we need to talk"
I walk out of the office knowing they are flowing me. I walk into my room and lock the door behind them. I don't want Lilly walking in on this
"How long" I ask
"4 weeks" Xavier looks down
"A MONTH" I can't believe this. They could've saved me they could've gotten me away helped me escape.
"When father told us we tried to stop him but we can't escape the kings you know that this was the best option" Enzo says
"We're sorry" Xavier looks back up
"Don't be fucking sorry you knew what you where doing if you where sorry the you would have never let him do this" they stare at me. I know they feel guilty I know they don't want this but they should've tried and I know they are to scared to cross my father, "get the hell out" no one moves. "GET THE HELL OUT"
They leave. 
What where they thinking. Did the gang mean more to them then me.
I have no one
Everyone left
Everyone betrayed me
And betrayal
Makes you break

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