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After a 30 minute drive we pull up to a huge mansion. Way to big for just one person. Who lives here with him.
"Who lives with you" I ask There isn't a responds for a little
"My brother and 3 of my best soldiers"
"Great" I whisper and I start to admire the house. I take that back this thing is no house.

I get out of the car when it comes to a stop

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I get out of the car when it comes to a stop. First thing I do scan the area. A 7 ft fence surrounding the area that I will have to examine closed up but it looks a bit old maybe 6 years old so warn down by weather maybe there is a week spot. I spot 9 guards. 2 at the front door. 3 at the gates and 4 patrolling. Interesting. All are armed of course but that's doable.
"Are you just going to stand there and take notes or come inside" Lucas is already at the door. Well shit I am slacking.
I walk in and 4 men come running in the room. Wow. They are all so, so hot.
One is a blond with so many tattoos he looks scary
Another is a little shorter then everyone but has bright blue eyes and a short buzz cut
The third guy his huge like buff, he has a lot of hair that is dirty blond
The last guy is very similar to Lucas but you can tell he is younger.
This makes me miss my family. I never said goodbye.
I suddenly notice they are all checking me out. Like it's obvious.
"HEY SHIT HEADS" Lucas yells "stop checking my wife out"
"We are not married" I add
"Yet" he smirks
All the men keep their eyes on Lucas and I see them glance at me occasionally now I am a little self conscious in this dress. I look down at my dress and notice how hiked up it is. Oops I pull it down
"We where attacked at the gala" Lucas tells them
"The vipers" the blood one looks murderous. 
"No" I speak up everyone looks shocked "they all had the tattoos of the serpents, that's why they where using 428s instead of 430s. Also why they obviously sucked at their jobs" everyone just stares for a moment
"You never miss anything" Lucas says
"No my brain doesn't let me"

Later that night I blond boy comes to give me a tour of this mansion which might take hours. But I am curious and need to memorize the layout
"My name is Sebastian by the way"
"That's a beautiful name"
"Thank you"
"You have a nickname"
"My brothers and my sister call me Mara"
"You have a sister"
"Ya she is 6 her name is Lilly" I say sadly
"I am sorry" that catches me by surprise
"I mean I am sorry you had to leave her"
"Oh ya... me too" We walk in silence as he shows me all the rooms but then we stop at a library. A LIBARY. "Oh my god"
"What" Sebastian ask
"You have a library" I love to read my father never let me buy any books but my brothers would sometimes sneak them in. I finish them so fast though.
"Ya no one really uses it"
"Is it ok if I take some books to read for tonight" I ask. Please say yes.
"I mean ya" I smile. He looks surprised like he thought I was incapable of smiling. I go look around as he stands there in awe just watching me. I grab as many books as I can hold which is 8 by the way.
"That's a lot of books for tonight" he eyes my stack
"Ya I know but I will probably read half tonight and half tomorrow" he just stares. "I can read 500 words per minute"
"Well on average a normal person can read 250 words per minute maybe 300"
"Oh" that's all he says. He lets me take my books to my room before we continue on with the tour.
My room is gorgeous. It's dark but huge and has a low bed in the middle of the room. I set my books down on the desk in the corner then we keep on walking around the house. We go to the kitchen which is amazing, and there is a inside pool that made me want to cry. The ballroom is was to big for its own good. Then the workout room where I will spend a lot of time in. Then he shows me Lucas office doors.
"Only go in if you have to or he asks for you" Sebastian says seriously
"Got it"
Then on to the weapons room which is locked by a code that is 20 digits long! I know. But he is dumb and thinks I will not remember it. Too bad because I have photographic memo and will never forget
The last stop is this small room and when he opens the door I gasp. It's a small room with only a piano in it. I should be internally grateful for Lucas. I love playing the piano and I have to say I am pretty amazing.
"You play" he asks
"Ya I learned when I was young" my mother taught me and I will never forget every time I touch I piano I see her. Not the crazy her. Not the drugged up her. But the women I grew up with that would make me breakfast in bed. The women who always knew how to make me laugh. The women who would help me bake cupcakes.
"Play something" he says
"Umm ok" I go to sit down and stare at the keyboard what should I play. I guess I will just see what happened.

I play a classic that I used to love when my mom played. After a while I get lost in the sound. Eventually I stop and I look back only to see all 5 men looking at me in awe. I stand up quickly
"Sorry I didn't mean for that to be so loud." I apologize
"No that was wonderful" Lucas says "who taught you"
"My mother" I smile sadly
"You can play whenever you would like, it is refreshing to hear" Lucas says then walks back to his office. Maybe he doesn't hate me.
After the tour I head back to my room and get into the shower. I stand there and let the hot water steam off me. Once I get out I get changed into some pjs that where in my huge closest

 Once I get out I get changed into some pjs that where in my huge closest

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Then I hop into bed. The bed is amazing and I pass out right away. Maybe I can make it through this. Maybe Lucas isn't so bad. Maybe I can actually fall in love.
I hope
I really hope

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