Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V:

"Okay class! You will have to get your partners numbers so you can practice your scene after school as well." Mr.Tomlinson said. The bell rang and he said goodbye to his students till he looked over to me and smiled.

"Harry I'm gonna need your number." I stared at him in shock. What?! Why would he want my number?!

"W-what?!" I choked out. He smiled then went over to my desk and sat on it so he was facing me.

"I'm gonna need it so we can practice you dummy!" I glared at him then smiled at him and said,

"You know for a teacher you're rather immature!" He dropped his draw dramaticlly and said,

"Am not! I just don't like being an old fart like other teachers here! So anyways, your number?" I smiled then decided to do one of my cheeky moves. I grabbed a pen then said,

"Give me your hand yeah?" He gave me a questioning look then held his hand out. I grabbed it and sparks flew through my body. Dear god he has a major effect on me. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and wrote down my number on the palm of his hand. I made sure to add a winky face and xx's and the end just to sugar coat it, He looked at it then smiled and raised an eyebrow at me.

"A little cheeky there aren't we Styles?" I just nodded then winked and he blushed and looked down to hide it.

"Aww I made you blush!" I said in a sing song kinda way. He looked up and hit me playfully.

"Shut it curly!" I just laughed then got out of my desk and said,

"See you later Mr.Tomlinson! I guess we can practice today...?" He looked at me then smiled and nodded. I waved bye and left his classroom. Can't wait for school to end that's for sure!


"Hello Harry! Do you have plans tonight?" Some blonde from spanish class asked me on our way out of school. I just looked st her and said,

"Sorry love I'm busy and in case you haven't noticed, I'm gay." She stared at me in shock then just walked off simply saying, "Oh" New girl for sure. Everyone here knows I'm gay.

"Harry!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head to se Mr.Tomlinson waving at me infront of his car in the parking lot. I smiled then waved back and walked over to him.

"Want a ride home?" He asked. I looked at him and said,

"Why don't we go somewhere to practice the play instead?" I asked. He thought about it for a second then nodded yes. I smiled then got into his car. He started driving then turned the radio on and the volume up. Give Me Love was on. But the song already started so it was just getting to the chorus. Which was my favourite part.

"Give a little time to me, we'll burn this out. We'll play hide and seek, to turn this around. All I want, is the taste that your lips allow! My my, my my. Give me love." I continued to sing the chorus until I saw Mr. Tomlinson's face which was staring at me in awe.

"Harry you're amazing!" He said. I looked down and blushed then said,

"I'm not that good." He hit my leg and said,

"Nonsence! You're voice is perfect!" I smiled then said,

"Thanks... So where are we going?" He looked straight ahead and pointed forward. I looked to where he was pointing. It was a park. He looked over to me and asked,

"Is here good?" I just nodded and listened to the rest of the song. Once we were at the park we sat down underneath a big tree. I leaned against the tree and Mr.Tomlinson sat next to me, our arms brushing against eachothers. He pulled out our scripts from his bag and started reciting the lines. We went through the entire scene till the kiss came and instead this time, he leaned in and kissed me on the nose. I laughed then said,

"The nose? Really? I wouldve expected the cheek!" He just laughed it off. We sat there talking for awhile, about family, what we like, basiclly everything there is to know. Suddenly I remembered we were supposed to be practicing.

"Uh Mr.Tomlinson? We should keep practicing..." His eyes widened and he said,

"Oh right! Sorry I forgot!" I laughed then said it was alright. We carried on practicing and it got to the kissing scene once again. We looked at the script then back at eachother.

"Mr.Tomlinson, what's your first name?" I said while staring at his lips. He chuckled then leaned in staring at my lips as well. We were inches away from eachother when he whispered,

"Louis." We were just about to close the space between us when his phone started ringing. His eyes widened and he backed away from me, answering his phone.

"What?... Oh hi mum, sorry bout that... Hmm?.... Yeah ok. What?........ Ok I'll be there soon." He hung up then looked at me and said,

"I'm sorry Harry but my mum is hosting a party and she needs help setting up. You mind?" I looked at him and smiled.

"Not at all. I can head home if you want." I said while gathering my things. He stopped me by grabbing my hands and saying,

"Hey! That's not what I meant! I meant for you to go to my mums with me so we can continue later with the play." I smiled and said,

"Maybe we can finish where we left off eh?" He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

"You're one cheeky boy Styles," He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered,

"But yeah, I supose we might be able to if you want to..." And just like that he sprung up from his spot and started walking to his car. I watched him leave while my eyes trailed down to his butt... Stop it! Dirty boy...

I grabbed my things and ran over to catch up to him. Well, looks like I'll be meeting his family now...

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