Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V:

"Harry sweetie its time to wake up! Don't wanna be late for your first day as a senior!" My mom yelled into my room. Ugh, I don't wanna wake up. Wait... If I heard her that means I'm already awake... Right.

"I'll be down in a second mum!" I yelled back at her. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. Once I was out of bed I changed into dark jeans, and a white t-shirt. Simple but effective. I looked in the mirror and ruffled my hair a bit before going downstairs where my mom was reading the newspaper. Right then is when the door burst open with Niall and Liam shouting,

"Dude c'mon we're gonna be late!" I rolled my eyes then smiled and kissed my mom on the cheek goodbye.

To be honest, I was excited to go back to school. Maybe I'll find myself a new boyfriend this year... Yeah, I know I said boyfriend. I learned that I was gay a long time ago when I was dared to kiss an old friend of mine named Zayn. We dated for quite a long time afterwards, but ended it because that bastard cheated on me! Well, he was a bastard. Now we're friends again and ONLY friends after about a thousand apologies.

We we're out the door and on our way to school. Once we arrived two girls, Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder ran over to us infront of the school. They we're the closest friends who were girls that we had next to Perrie, but she's away on vacation still. She never really bothers to show up. The girls were squealing and jumping up and down. I smiled and said,

"Is there something you're trying to tell us or are you just gonna continue jumping there like idiots?" They stopped jumping and Eleanor playfully hit my arm and said,

"Oh shut up! There's a new Drama teacher this year! And he's apparently really hot! I wanted to jump up and down with my gay best friend about it!" Danielle looked at her and said,

"Hey! WE wanted to jump about it!" Not just you!" Liam and Niall we're walking into the school obviously not caring about some new hot teacher. But maybe I care... Just a little. I mean, if he's hot at least I'll be interested during class.

"Well if you expected me to jump about it then don't count me in! But yeah, that's cool I guess." I said while shrugging my shoulders. They both put frowns on their faces then Danielle said,

"Poo you you're no fun." And just like that they walked off dramatically stomping there feet. I rolled my eyes then kept walking into the school. That's just another reason why I don't like girls. Too much drama.


Time for Drama. With the "Super hot teacher!" In it. I walked into class and his back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. I sat down in my seat next to Zayn and Niall with Liam behind me and looked up at the board where he was writing down his name on the board. "Mr.Tomlinson" Huh, nice name. Well last name anyways. He turned around then- oh my lord he is so hot oh god... His hair was quiffed up and he wore dark jeans, a white button up top and a black blazer. His blue eyes were piercing and he had the cutest smile ever.

"Hello class my name is Mr.Tomlinson and I'm new you're drama teacher! The first project we will be an assignment on Romeo and Juliet. Since there is an odd number of students in this class then one of you will be paired up with me. But warning, we have to do the kissing scene. All of us do. I already asked the princibles permission don't worry. Believe me I feel uncomfortable with it too but we have to so... Well let's just get started and I'll call you're names. So you can pick someone's name out of the hat I have right here. Okay... Eleanor Calder."

He went on and on with the names and most of the girls were dissapointed that they didn't get Mr.Tomlinson. But I was getting rather excited. No one picked my name yet so that just increased the chances of me getting Mr.Tomlinson as my partner!

Finally there was only one name left. Wait... That means...

"Well it looks like I'll be paired up with Harry Styles!" Mr.Tomlinson said. All the girls gave me death glares. I just shrugged it off the looked at him.

"You guys can leave your seats and go anywhere in the classroom with your partner to practice. Go!" Everyone sat up and left going somewhere else. I went over to the teachers desk. He looked up at me from his seat the smiled. I sat down in the chair next to him and he said,

"Listen Harry, I hope you don't mind having to do this scene with me. You know, since you're a guy. I would've minded more if I had to be with a girl since I'm gay so I'm rather relieved but I just hope you're ok with it." Wait a second... He's gay?! I stared into his beautiful blue eyes and said,

"No I'm fine with it! I'm gay too so..." He looked up and smiled at me softly, then I smiled back. We stared at eachother for a bit until he snapped out of it and said,

"Well we should start practicing." I nodded then flipped to the kissing scene in our scripts. We read through all the lines till' it got to the kiss. We both looked at eachother and blushed.

"Should we wait till' we have to present?" I asked him. He nodded then said,

"For now just a kiss on the cheek." And just like that he leaned in, and I felt his soft lips on my cheek, staying there for a good five seconds before he pulled away while blushing. I smiled at him and he smiled back shyly. This, was gonna be fun.

New teacher... (Student/teacher larry stylinson story)Where stories live. Discover now