Part 15

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Taehyung Pov
I woke up feeling a angel in my arms. Jeongguk and Taehyun are 2 now and they are exactly like him. I love him so much I hope to have even more pups in the future maybe a alpha or a beta. I don't mind if we only have omegas I will still love them so much. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs and I saw them playing.


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(Taehyun)Gguk:Hi DaddyHi did you sleep wellTae:Yeah we're hungryIll make you something don't worry don't wake your mom up though ok let him sleepGguk:We will daddyThey are so cute and sweet

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Gguk:Hi Daddy
Hi did you sleep well
Tae:Yeah we're hungry
Ill make you something don't worry don't wake your mom up though ok let him sleep
Gguk:We will daddy
They are so cute and sweet. I went in the living room and made some eggs and bacon and we ate. We went in the living room and they started playing.
Don't be too loud ok he's sleeping
Gguk:We won't Daddy
They are so cute. They played and after a while they went on the couch.
You know you both look exactly like mom
Gguk: Really
Yeah you both are so cute
Tae: Daddy why is mommy like you
Tae: Mommy is a boy so how did he get us
Oh well some can
Tae:Oh ok
They both had the adorable bunny smile he has and I love it. I petted their heads.
You both have his same smile it's so cute
Gguk:Thanks Daddy
They both hugged me and I hugged them back tightly.
I love you both so much
Gguk:We love you too Daddy
After a while I heard moving and he came downstairs.

Gguk:MommyThey both ran to him

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They both ran to him.
Hi Angel. He went over to me and I opened my arms and before he could go in them Jeongguk jumped in.
Yah that was for your mom. He stuck his tongue out and I hugged him.
So cute. I kissed his head and he hugged me. After a bit he jumped out and went to play with Taehyun.
Ok baby boy. I pulled him in my arms.
Did you sleep well
Good. I kissed him and held him tightly.
I love you so much
Kook:I love you too
Tae:Oh Mommy is it true that your special
Tae:Well we asked Daddy why you could get us when your a boy and he said some can so your special
Tae:How did you get us did we just show up
Kook:You were in my tummy
Gguk: Really but how did we get out
Oh well you kept kicking his tummy and you both popped out
Gguk:Cool mommy is magical
He sure is I hope to have so much more pups with you
I hope maybe to have some alphas or betas but I'll love omegas just as much
Kook:Ik you will
Tae:What are omegas and alphas and betas
Well they are ranks you are born with
Tae: What are we
Gguk:Is mommy a omega
You 3 are I'm a alpha
Tae: What's the difference
Well omegas are the last rank
Gguk:Are we less important
No not at all you might be even more important
Gguk: Really
Yeah they are so sweet and they are more breedable
Kook:Yah Kim Taehyung don't say that with them
Oh well it's true
Gguk:What's breedable
Well omegas are more likely to have pups and a lot of them
Tae:Pups I've seen pups they are so cute and fluffy
No not puppies it's babies
Tae:Oh I prefer puppies
You can choose whatever you want
Gguk:Why are they called pups
Well humans call them babies
Gguk:Humans we aren't human
Well no you are werewolves
Tae:Are you one too mommy
Kook:Yes we all are
Tae:Cool can I turn into a wolf
You both can
Tae:Can we now
Probably not your wolf isn't very developed yet in a yr or 2 ok
Gguk:Ok I hope mine is big and fluffy so people can pet me
Tae:Me too I want mine pink or yellow
They talked about their wolves for a while and after a bit it got late and I put them to bed. We went in our room and I put him in my arms.
I love them so much
Kook:I do too
I bet they will grow up exactly like you
Kook:They are sweet
Like you
Kook:So you love me just cause I'm very breedable huh
Of course not you are perfect and beautiful and the sweetest
Kook:Ik I'm teasing and you are handsome
Ik I am and you being able to have pups is just a bonus for me
He snuggled into my arms and after a minute he fell asleep purring.

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