Chapter 17

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    You and N walked side by side. You only had a small bag of your necessities. Being used to camp and walking wherever you needed to go. You knew exactly what you needed to bring and what you could. Your legs wouldn't hurt from walking and even if they did it would never show to others. Luckily, no one had to walk to the caves. Horribly, you had to sit in a car with people you didn't know. You jumped in one of the cars first hoping that no one would talk to you. N and Caitlin were the people who joined your car. It was some fancy black car, one of the ones you saw in movies whenever there was some sort of government official.
    Caitlin read a thick leather-bound book as you moved past rolling hills and swaying fields. N sat there quietly looking out the window, resting his head on his hand. You didn't know what to do with your free time. You looked outside as well, counting the amount of pokemon you saw grazing until your thoughts drifted away.
    They didn't melt away into some comfortable dream or memory of childhood. They melted into the large library shelves. Clouds hardened into windows and paintings. The sound of the car running was transformed into voices, the cool window to hard solid wood.
    "It's dangerous," a man's voice explained, "the amount of cave-ins is astounding."
    "Not to mention those plants," a different voice rang out.
    "We need the stuff in those caves."
    The voices interrupted each other, they mixed and fought. The clear voices and reasoning became too muddy to understand.
    "That's enough," a bang, probably your father's hand hitting the table. It caused you to jump back away from the door for a split second before you leaned back in trying to piece together what you missed. "Under wraps-" he was speaking quieter than the others he was harder to hear. "Unpredictable and unsafe." the conversation became too quiet to hear or understand.
    Then you found yourself opening your eyes. Someone gently shook your shoulder, you turned to see N looking at you, his hand on your shoulder.
    "We're here." He hopped out of the car.
    Caitlin sat across from you still reading a few more words. Then she slipped in the bookmark and hopped out herself. Venipede crawled out and hopped onto N's shoulder as you shook the sleep from your eyes.
    There were a large number of tents and trailers. Cars and drills, a large number of people were working to carry large boldres to trucks. You were a little overwhelmed. Too many people and too many loud noises in the place that made you feel like it should be nearly silent.
    You pulled at your shirt aside it would make the uncomfortable feeling disappear, it only made you feel discussed by the feeling of having skin. Everything felt too tight. The seems on your clothes suddenly became a problem even though they had never been something that made you mad or upset.
You left as soon as you could. Escaping from the rush of noise. The crowd of cars and trucks; you escaped what you hatted yet again, disappearing into the woods. You tripped, collapsing onto the grass, scratching your knees and hands. Your face burned and your eyes watered. You looked up, turning to see what you even tripped over, and froze.
    You stared wide eyed at the large towering krokorok. He was not happy his claws were curled and he stepped forward looming over you. Oh how you royalty screwed up. His eyes were dark but you could see how his anger reflected in his eyes.
    You scooted back, adrenaline filling your veins. You kicked dirt into his face and it did nothing. Damn ground types. You cursed quietly scrambling to your feet ready to take a wonderful relaxing dip in that lake nearby. Yet he didn't move.
    "It's fine," N's voice, "They won't hurt you." He stepped up beside the krokorok. "Apologize for stepping on his tail and scaring away his meal."
    You blinked owlishly, "I'm sorry," Your voice shook, "I didn't mean too."
    Venipede poked his head out of N's hair. The krokorok made a noise before turning and leaving into the woods again.
    "Please be more careful," N motioned to your legs. Blood started to pool in the scratches on your legs, "Let's get those cleaned up, we have a few days before the cave-in is cleared and we have to go in anyways." He continued talking as he picked you up and walked you to the lake, not even realizing that he did. "We have time to kill, maybe you could make me that meal you promised? I know that you forage for your own food most of the time."
    "How did you know?" Your face was burning not from the dirt that got in your eyes or from the way you landed and scratched your cheeks on rocks.
    "I've seen you a few times. Some of the Pokémon asked who you were." He explained but it really only left you with more questions.

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