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I don't know if the stimulation was too great today, Du Youwei actually had a nightmare again at night. In the two days after she was reborn, she would dream of jumping into the sea, but tonight she no longer dreamed of these, but dreamed that the big Zhang family turned into a huge monster, facing her again It was fire-breathing and roaring, and finally a fire burned her money.

This is worse than her jumping into the sea.

Du Youwei was shocked to wake up, and quickly looked at the bank card balance and was shocked. At this time, it was still dark, she lay on the bed and dared not go to sleep again, and watched the sun rise.

At dawn, Jin Yingjun opened her door like a fine, squatted at the door "barking" and yelling for her to get up.

There are classes at school today, and Du Youwei can finally go back to school, but she doesn't want to be late.

She got up, washed, dressed, had breakfast, and went to school.

After last night's battle, the students' attitude towards her changed drastically. Not only did they stop being cynic, but also greeted her amiably.

Du Youwei responded lukewarm, behaving very insultingly.

When they arrived in the classroom, the classmates who had been talking to Pan Jing came forward to talk to her.

"Youwei, you were so beautiful last night!"

"Yes, no girl in the school can compare to you!"

"Your dancing partner is also the most handsome in the audience, you two are really good match!"

Pan Jing sneered in her heart after listening to these compliments. These rich children really met the windshield.

She unscrewed the pen fiercely and began to write and draw on the book.

Du Youwei hasn't forgotten how these people said about themselves on the forum before, and only smiled at them perfunctorily. Sun Xiaoxiao knew that Du Youwei's class was in this classroom, and ran over to look for her: "Youwei!"

She waved to Du Youwei, motioned her to come out, Du Youwei put down her things, went out and asked her, "Xiao Xiao, what's the matter?"

Sun Xiaoxiao took her hand and looked like she had a good relationship with her: "Why didn't you answer my call last night? I called you many times."

Du Youwei let out an "Oh" and casually said: "My phone ran out of power last night, what are you looking for?"

Sun Xiaoxiao lowered her voice mysteriously and asked her: "Is the person who danced with you last night from the Zhang family? You don't know. Yesterday someone posted a photo of you dancing together on the campus forum. Soon they were all deleted, and even the people who posted were banned."

The students in this school are all human beings. Seeing this posture, they knew that this matter could not be discussed, so they shut up obediently.

Du Youwei really didn't know about this, but based on that person's background, deleting a post and a name is not just a matter of moving her little finger.

No, shreds of hair.

"The prom is over, these are not important anymore." Du Youwei didn't want to tell Sun Xiaoxiao about it. She looked down at the hand Sun Xiaoxiao was holding her, her eyes moved slightly, "Xiaoxiao, you How does this bracelet look like a hair band processed and transformed?"

Sun Xiaoxiao subconsciously withdrew his hand and hid behind him: "Where is it, it's just a gadget, you must look down on it."

Du Youwei smiled and did not ask any more questions. She remembers the one on the forum with the rhythm black her, the id is called sweet hair tie, right?

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