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After Cao Shuang finished speaking, he told the clerk to change her clothes quickly, and then took her little sister away. Du Youwei still stayed in the shop to pick out dresses, but she was a little absent-minded.

Wei Rui glanced at her and asked her, "Are you still in touch with Qi Ye recently?"

"Huh?" Du Youwei stammered, "I have been busy with exams recently, so I didn't contact me much."

Wei Rui squinted his eyes and didn't make any contact. That means there is contact.

"Youwei, you saw it too, Qi Ye went to a party, so many women stared at him. You should pick an easier copy."

Du Youwei: "..."

She put down her clothes and looked at Wei Rui: "Then we still go to the party?"

"Go, of course I want to go!" Wei Rui stuffed the clothes she put down on her again. "Did you hear what Cao Shuang said about us just now? Not only are we going, but we are going to be more beautiful than her! Xiao Qiao, take you I found all the most expensive dresses in the store. They must be more expensive than the one that Cao Shuang picked just now!"

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Du Youwei: "..."

Woman, your name is fickle.

After choosing a dress in the shop, Du Youwei and Wei Rui went to do their hair and nails again, and went home after it was dark. This afternoon, I was more tired than Du Youwei studying in the library for an afternoon...

She was lying on the bed and couldn't open her eyes. Hey, why not go for a big health care tomorrow.

On Friday's celebrity gathering, the Sun family also received an invitation. Sun Shenghai was recently burnt out due to company affairs. I heard that it was because Sun Xiaoxiao offended Zhang Shengze that caused him to lose so much business. He was even more angry. Come. For a while, Sun Xiaoxiao was locked up at home by him, and she was not allowed to go anywhere, so she asked her to reflect on it.

Sun Xiaoxiao lay in bed in a daze almost every day, and went downstairs every day for dinner. Sun Shenghai came back from outside on this day, and saw her look like that, and his anger was a little bit angry: "You take care of yourself. There will be a big celebrity gathering in City A on Friday, and people from the Zhang family will also go there. Then I will see Zhang Shengze. , You apologize to others. I heard that Pan Jing's face has almost improved recently. Once he is in a good mood, maybe he won't embarrass us anymore."

Although Zhang Shengze could not be the master in the Zhang family, he was backed by the Zhang family. Just by moving out the name "Zhang Shengze", many people would betray him. Sun Shenghai thought about it. How could this matter be the friction between the children, Zhang Shengze's anger was also out, and if he continued to bite them, he would go to the head of the Zhang family.

Usually, it is difficult to meet Qi Ye, but at this gathering, there is a rumor that Qi Ye will also go. He should take this opportunity well.

When Sun Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Shengze's name, her eyes moved slightly.

"Did you hear me? Go out with your mother in the afternoon to buy a dress, buy a bag, and then make a face. Don't embarrass me on Friday!"

Sun Xiaoxiao subconsciously touched the hair loop on her wrist and stood up from her seat: "I heard it, I will go to the party."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and went back upstairs, without finishing the meal. Sun Shenghai scolded her a few more words before she was persuaded by Sun Xiaoxiao's mother.

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