Gilinsky: Your kids pt. 2

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Blake(14) : Blake is a regular boy,who loves sports and his family.He is on the baseball team and enjoys to play basketball.He is very popular,especially with girls.He makes B's and one or two A's,and still gets into trouble with the pranks he pulls.He loves to hang out with His younger sister Morgan and his father.He is best friends with Jake wilkinson and Ashton Maloley & together they get into a lot of trouble.Blake has a crush on Cameron Johnson but knows it won't ever happen,but he still tries to flirt with her.

Morgan(11) : Morgan is a very sweet girl and is very corky.She is a daddy's girl,loves to get piggy back rides,and to get attention.She is a bright child and is very talkative & energetic.She plays soccer and is on an after school dance team.She loves to spend time with her older brother and considers him her best friend.Morgan also models for old navy and other brands,but she thinks everyone is beautiful and she is very friendly to everyone.


Amanda(15) : Amanda is the "Miss.Perfect," of the family & is a goody-two shoes.She likes everything to be nice and neat,so she helps clean the house and does the dishes. She is in choir and is the best singer.She rides horses,Is on the cheer team,and is very popular.
She makes all A's and is a teachers pet & can't stand when someone doesn't like her. She is currently dating Kyle Johnson and can't go a day without seeing or texting him.Kyle comes over all the Time and usually they take a lot of cute couple pictures.Amanda also loves to spend time with her twin,and her brother and little sister.

Alex(15) : Alex is a relaxed person and just likes every thing to be calm,just like her father.She isn't into sports,so she is usually on the bleachers cheering for her friends.She is fits in with the average people at her school and makes Mostly A's and B's.She is very hardworking and when she wants something she works for it.
She loves to spend time with her siblings and helps them when they need something.She hangs out with her father a lot and loves to watch him perform,because she enjoys seeing him complete his dreams.
She also spends a lot of time with Jake Wilkinson and no one,besides her sisters,knows that she likes him.


I'll do an update soon and it will be a smut😬😊

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