The Visit (Part Two)

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In the early morning, almost everyone was awake except for some of the sleepyheads of Gravi and Procella. The main room was noisy, with everyone full of energy. Koi and Kakeru were running all around the room with things in their hands. Aoi and Yoru were making lunch boxes, and Iku was helping them pack it. Haru and Kai were checking whether everything was set, with the help of You and Arata.

“Ah, I need to wake up Rui and Shun ,” said Kai. After listening to those words, Haru remembered that he needed to wake up Hajime as well.

“That reminds me, I need to wake Hajime up as well.”

After waking them up, they both returned. Kai felt something touching him, and looked around to see Rui behind him. “Ah Rui, you’re up.” Rui answered him with a nod, sleep still lingering in his eyes.

“That still leaves Hajime and Shun,” said Kai, looking around.

A voice came from behind Haru, “I’m here.”

“Then that leaves Shun.” As Kai finished that sentence, another voice rang through the room.

“I’ve been up for hours,” said Shun, leaning against the wall.

“That’s great,” said You from the other side of the room. “We were about to leave you here.”

“You can’t leave me here,” Shun pouted.

“We could if we wanted to.”

“No, you can’t leave me. Even if you wanted to leave me, I know Kai wouldn’t let you. He would take me. And I bet Hajime wouldn’t want you to leave without me,” said Shun with confidence.

“I don’t mind leaving you behind in the dorms,” said Hajime, his voice dripping ice.

Shun pouted again and then looked at Kai.

“I wouldn’t like it if you stayed here alone,” said Kai nonchalantly.

Shun’s face brightened.

“Ahem, guysss? Do you know what the time is?” asked You from behind them.

Haru looked up at the clock. “Crap, looks like we’re going to miss the train. Hajime, Rui, Shun, go get ready fast!”

As they got ready to leave for Ray’s village, Kai looked at Ray with a smile. “Are you ready, Ray?”

Ray nodded.

“I have a question,” said Aoi.

“Go on,” replied Hajime.

“Um… Ray said he got stuck in here, so would he be able to leave the dorms with us?”

“Wow, I was thinking the same thing,” said Yoru, looking over Aoi’s shoulder.

Shun walked in front of them. “Don’t you guys believe me?”

“We do believe you…” said Iku absent-mindedly. A flash of realization crossed his face. “Oh, wait, yeah, got it.”

Shun smiled as he looked around at everyone. “We have to go~”

“Yes, everyone, leave the dorm now,” called Haru.

Shun held Ray’s hand, and pulled Ray along. They reached the station, and the train was still on the platform. “Oh it’s still here. I thought we would miss the train,” said Haru, taking a deep breath with relief.

Hopping onto the train, they took their seats, watching as fields and cities passed. After a few hours, they reached his village.

“Wow, this place is gorgeous. I wish we could live in such a wonderful place,” said Kakeru, his eyes bright with wonder as he looked around.

Ray looked around as well. “I don’t exactly live here. We need to go a little further.”

They looked around, hoping to find transport, but there was none. “How are we supposed to go? The roads are barren with no transport at all,” said You, his voice hinting annoyance.

“it seems like we’ll have to walk till we find something to take us there,” said Haru.

“Really? We have to walk? Didn’t they offer to give us a ride?” asked You.

“We should be grateful that they accepted our request, just after we declined it,” said Kai, as he walked around.

“Guess we don’t have a choice,” said Hajime. “Start walking, or you guys might have to stay here for the night.”

That got them walking. After a while, the sun began to descend, and still they walked on. From nowhere, a small vehicle appeared.

“Kids, where are you going at this hour?” asked the person who was inside the vehicle.

“Sir, we are just going to that village,” said Kai, pointing ahead.

“So you kids are travelers,” said the driver, following Kai’s line of sight. “I see. Would you like to come with me? I can drop you there since I’m going to the same place.”

“We would be grateful, sir. But the problem is that we are 13– Uh, I mean we are 12 people and your car is small. All of us won’t be able to fit in,” said Kai.

The driver thought for a bit, and then nodded. “I see. But it’s no problem. Some of my friends are on the way, so some of you can come with them, and some of you with me.”

“Thank you so much, sir!” they said together. After the driver’s friends arrived, the kind driver told them about the situation, and they agreed to help them out. Gravi and Procella got into the vehicles.

They reached the village at nightfall. “Are you kids someone’s relatives here? Asked the driver, worry in his eyes as he looked at the night sky.

“No sir, we have no relative’s here,” answered Haru.

“Ah I see. Then do you have somewhere you could stay?” asked another driver who was with them.

“No sir, we don’t,” said Haru, as he checked his phone.

“Is that so? Then if it suits you, you kids could stay over at our house,” said the kind driver.

They shared glances and answered with a collective nod, seeing as they had no place to stay and the junior group was exhausted. With that, the six from Gravi went to one house, and the other six from Procella – along with Ray – went to the other house.

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