«A perfect life?»

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it is a sunny day where Tina is still in bed thinking, her life is perfect. Any girl would wish to be in her place, an adopted girl in a loving family, with a famous musician brother, the other one being a famous fierce worrier. She lives in her families shadow, but she isn't upset about it, she didn't like being famous at all.

It is an normal boring morning as always, she shrugs getting our of bed. she didn't sleep much the prior day, due to that dump feeling eating her up inside... not wanting to think about it again.

She goes to get dressed in her normal red and white short dress, putting on her and her best friends' matching scarfs, hers was a red scarf with white piece in the middle.

She heads downstairs shouting, "GOOD MORNING"

"god!, Tina can you get any louder" her brother complains, "I dunno, do you want to find out, wilbur?"

"oh god please no" techno says climbing down the stairs.

"boys enough fighting, I made waffles" the woman behind the counter states.

"YES FUCKING WAFFLES" she says as waffles are her favorite treat.

"language Tina!!"

"sorry dad" she apologizes smiling.

"C'mon, Tina I'm driving you to school today" wilbur says with an unamused face.

"What the hell, why?", she replies.

"because dad has to go on a trip again"

Their dad traveles alot, the famous philza minecraft, the angel of death. he's a kind yet dangerous man, he travels reaping the souls of those who lose thier life.

"oh.. okay then" she says showing sadness clearly through her eyes.

"don't worry dear i will be right back", phill says worried about his little girl.

"sure dad, come on Will!.. we will be late." she cries as her face falls to sorrow.


Not too long after they were off to school. Tina's school isn't too far but she doesn't like to walk. She always feels like all the eyes are focused on her.

"so... are you going to go or what?" wilbur says eying her through the front mirror as they arrive at the school, except to her dismay that feeling starts to creep up to her again.

As she is lost in thoughts, she feels a touch on her shoulder. she shrugs looking beside her "Are you okay, Tina?" Will asks clearly full of worry, she hates when he pities her.

"I'm fine, Wilby" she barley realises the nickname that sliped from her mouth accidently.

"mhm.. whatever you say darling. come on let's go"


"TINAAA" a young boy in a green shirt yells as he runs down the hall to meet his best friend. the one in question not relising he is even there.

the boy stops in front of her "Tina?", he says in a much lower tone.

"huh? oh yeah, I am okay, Tubbo", she finally snaps out of her thoughts.

"Tina, heyy!. you know that won't work on me", Tubbo says in an annoyed tone. seeing his best friend like this isn't something he likes to face, yet he knows it is inevitable.

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