[this is chapter is mainly for writers, but if you want to read it anyways, go on ahead]
Have you ever just had that great idea. It's all you can think about for days and days. It's the one hope you have in the world when it happens. When this great idea comes to you,
you have two options. You can start writing or you can dwell on the idea until the spark of the idea you had burns out. The second option is what most people choose.You may think that this is stupid. I mean, why not just choose one or the other and just be done with it? Well, even if you do choose to write, your "amazing idea" might not seem so amazing. It's like at the beginning of a school year when you think, "Wow! This is going to be great!" And a week in you just want to murder everyone and sleep. It's that feeling.
This book, for example, was a random idea that I just started to write. Now, it's the middle of the night, and I randomly remembered it. I was going to let it go where the rest of the dead and broken ideas go. To the wasteland. The wasteland is this place I have always thought about. It's the place all of those crumpled up papers, broken pens, and ripped pages go. It's a very sad, but beautiful place. It represents all of the perfectly imperfect ideas that people just couldn't seem to let go of.
A book I'll never write
SonstigesThis is the book of hopeful beginnings, and helpless ends.