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"Your choice"

Nova walks out and puts Roan and Iris in the back of the rover while Raven, Miller, Monty and Jasper finish loading it with supplies

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Nova walks out and puts Roan and Iris in the back of the rover while Raven, Miller, Monty and Jasper finish loading it with supplies. "Knockout gas. Mount Weather's finest. As soon as they bring Ontari out, we put them to sleep" Miller states as he shows everyone the knockout gas and puts it back in the rover.

"Because she's chipped, you'll have to EMP her like you did me before you give her the Flame" Raven warns and Nova and Clarke nod there heads in unison. "I thought Jaha destroyed all the wristbands" Jasper states and Nova looks to Raven who snaps her fingers like she came up with an idea.

"He but then I came home and there was only enough usable parts to rebuild one, so use it wisely. Made a few improvements, too" Raven states and Nova grabs and it looks at it admiringly. "Wow" Nova says widening her eyes at the sight of it.

"None of this is gonna matter if you can't get us access to A.L.I.E.'s code" Clarke whines and Raven sighs placing a hand on Clarke's shoulder "You worry about the Nightblood. I'll worry about A.L.I.E" Raven reassures and Clarke smiles slightly and helps Nova pack the EMP in the rover.

"What are we waiting for?" Octavia asks as she peaks her head out the rover looking around. "Let's move out" Bellamy says as he hugs Raven and Jasper before getting in the rover. Clarke hugs Monty, Jasper and Raven before entering the rover and Nova was prepared to get in the rover when Raven grabbed her arm.

"Um.." Raven breathes out as she slowly wrapped her arms around Nova. Nova thought it was weird at first but she warmed up to it and hugged her back. "May we meet again" Raven whispers as she pulls away from the hug. Monty and Jasper slowly walk up and Nova clears her throat as she hugs each of them.

"May we meet again" Jasper and Monty say in unison as Nova grabs each of there hands. "We will" Nova says as she sends them both smiles and enters the rover.


The rover stops at the Polis city limits. "There it is. We stop here" Clarke says as everyone exits the rover. "Alright, this is where we split up. The entrance to the tunnel is right over there" Roan points and Iris walks over to Nova and Clarke. "Because I didn't take the chip they might want to kill me. Who should I go with?" Iris asks genuinely scared. Nova looks over at Fio who nods his head and Nova looks back to Iris.

"You can follow us through the tunnel" Nova suggests and Iris nods her head. "I'm gonna need the Flame. Look, this only works if they send Ontari out to get it. If they don't see it, they won't do that. Not much of a trap without the bait." Roan states and Clarke hesitantly gives Roan the flame and Roan takes it with care.

"I'm coming with you" Clarke states and Nova furrows her eyebrows. "Like hell you are" Nova says as she grabs Clarke's arm gently. "That is not the plan" Bellamy interferes and Clarke sighs.

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