Chapter 16.

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F/n pov:

'I'm so sorry Aika my sweet angel but I can't leave that playboy around Y/n!' I was currently sneaking my way out of the classroom we slept in. It also smelled odd, disgusting.

"I know Y/n in this situation he just needs a day of space than you can approach him with sensitive questions. Who does that Oikawa guy thinks he is!?" I mumbled to myself angrily as I opened doors that lead to a big hall of several doors, the changing rooms, and the gyms. "Bet he's in our changing room." I speed walked towards a gray and blue door and was about to open it.


I never turned so quickly like that in my entire life. I'm glad I haven't opened that door. My innocence has left the chat.

'Were they doing the nasty? Did they use protection!?'

So many regrets, so many questions but none will ever be answered, for I am not going to embarrass myself more than I already did. Y/n I hope you know what you're doing cus I obviously don't. I walked back to the school part but my last stop before my uncomfortable floor bed was the outside. With shaky hands, I pull out my lighter and my cigarettes.

"I really hope you know what you're doing." I mumbled with a cigarette in between my lips and brought the lighter closer to my mouth, inhaled the deadly gas, and exhaled, "I always thought you're the purest one of us three. Thinking about you screwing around with anyone is unholy to me. Yet those sounds made it really difficult not to!" I groaned and aggressively inhaled the cancer stick, "But he'll make you happy than hell, invite me sometimes." I laughed but started to cough because of the smoke in my lungs, "God this shit tastes horrible."

"What are you doing here?"

Mamaaaaaaaa uUuUuU I don't wanna die! "Oh heyyyyyy Aika-san how's eh how's the weather?" I turned to the oh-so-familiar voice of my sweet angel of a friend Aika, "Em...Do you...Do you" I asked as I pulled the package of cigarettes in front of her... What was I even thinking...She snatched the package and pull out a water gun. Haha, I'm in danger. "AIKA-SAN WAIT!" well to late for crying to the gods I guess as my face and the cigarette I had in my hand was wet. Lovely.

"You know how much I hate when you smoke." she sighed and put the gun away, "Throw away the cancer stick. IN A BIN! And let's go. You're grumpy when you don't get enough sleep." she said kindly and after me thriving the cigarette away she pulled me by my wrist to the smelly classroom. God, I hate this...

Time skip to the morning

Still F/n pov

I haven't seen Y/n when I woke up. I thought maybe he went to look after his dog which seems to be the truth since that brunette playboy walked past me just now...HOLD UP! "OI! HALT! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOUR SORRY ASS JUST YET!" I ran after him. Why? First, for Y/n second, he made me look like a fool! I heard him scream for Iwaizumi. The male looked at me since I've followed Oikawa to his team who were just peacefully dressing from their pajamas to casual clothes for breakfast. A heavenly sight for my tired eyes...anyway.

"What's wrong Captain?" Iwaizumi said looking at me. I didn't answer since I'm not his captain, but Oikawa gladly answered for me, "HE CHASED ME!" what a whiny brat. "I wasn't asking you, Oikawa."

Oh? Did he address me as the captain? Don't mind if I do, "Your irresponsible excuse of a captain has broken several rules yesterday's night!" I straightened myself from the hunting position I've been in and with a strong voice and a slight glare I answered the vice-captain's question, "Even after being warned to go back to his team he disobeyed! I think a proper punishment is needed." I said now a bit sadistically happy about seeing Oikawa suffer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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