Oops. {Angst}

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A loud knocking sounded on Jeremy's window, so loud that he practically jumped out his skin and let out an embarrassingly startled yelp before slapping his hand over his mouth. He climbed out of bed and fumbled his way through the dark as the obnoxious noise continued on with seemingly no intentions of stopping. 

"It's three am, what the hell..." Jeremy groaned, rubbing his eyes and he undid the latch to the window and forced the glass up. He was hit with a blast of October air, chilling his skin and making him shiver. He looked out the window to find nothing. A frown appeared on Jeremy's face, what the fuck could that have been-" 

"Hi Jeremy." 

"GAH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FU-" Jeremy jumped as a figure appeared from the tree outside his window. 

"Relax, dude. It's just me." Michael whispered softly, his voice carrying through the night. 

"Michael it's like...three am what are you doing here." 

"I fucked up, Jeremy." Michael's smile fell and his eyes turned serious, visible even in surrounding darkness. 

"What do you mean...never mind, just...come inside. Don't let my dad here you." Jeremy stepped back, and he didn't know if he should have been worried or relieved when Michael's playful demeanor returned as if it had never left. 

"I never do, Jere." He chuckled, expertly climbing in through the window and sticking that landing on the carpet, kicking off his shoes and sitting on the edge of Jeremy's bed like he had done a million times before. But this time seemed different for some reason. Something felt off. Uncomfortable. 

The air in the room shifted as Jeremy closed the window before breezing past Michael and curling up at the head of his bed, cuddling into his pillows as he patiently but anxiously waited for Michael to fill him in on why exactly he was here so god damn early in the morning. 

Neither of them said a word though; they simply sat there in this unsettling sort of silence that left Jeremy confused and worried. 


"I fucked it up." Michael managed, head hanging low to the ground as it had for the last few minutes. "I ruined everything." 

"What do you mean...?" Jeremy asked, voice quiet and timid. He'd never seen Michael like this. He was also playful and fun and the human equivalent of a ball of sunshine. This...this wasn't Michael. The boy on the foot of his bed didn't turn to look at him; he didn't say a word. The only sound was their breathing, mingling together as they both waited for the other to say something that would relieve the tension in the air. 

Michael inhaled deeply, running his fingers through his already tangled hair, "I'm falling for someone." 



Jeremy's face fell slightly, "Damn...well, they must be special." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around himself and looking down at the floor. He felt like his hopes had simply been ripped up and burned in front of his eyes. He'd had feelings for Michael since what? The eighth grade? It'd been awhile, but Jeremy had always been too much of a wimp to say anything; despite his best friend's obvious attraction to the male gender. 

Due the fact that Jeremy's head was tilted towards the ground (because pLOT CONVIENCE PEOPLE C'MON HAVE YOU NEVER READ A FANFICTION BEFORE) he didn't notice Michael's eyes on him, full of sadness and longing and everything Jeremy had been looking at Michael with for the last 4 years. 

"Yeah...really special. He means a lot to me." Michael mumbled, still refusing to tear his eyes away from Jeremy. 

"Good. Good, I'm glad." Jeremy forced out, putting on a smile as his gaze returned to Michael. "You two are gonna be great together!" 

Michael's own smile fell and Jeremy could see tears pricking in his eyes. He looked away quickly and wiped them away. Jeremy filled with concern and he scooted closer to his best friend, "Micha...what's wrong?" 

"Jeremy. Can I tell you something without you hating me forever?" Michael choked out, body shaking, "We can just play it off as a joke. I don't care. Just don't leave." 

"I'm never going to leave you, Michael-" 

"It's you." 

Jeremy froze in shock, brain unable to form words as he honestly wasn't even sure he was processing what had just been said. Michael's words rang out through the room and they both merely sat there, no clue what to do next. 


Michael sighed, tears returning, "It's been you for awhile now. I just...didn't pay attention to it. I thought you would hate me. God, you probably do hate me, this was a mistake. I'm gonna go." Michael stood to leave and it took Jeremy a second to force his body to move and wrap his hand around Michael's arm. 

"I love you, too." 

Well, that slipped out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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