Clash of the clans

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A/N- Sorry for the slow updates. I am currently very unwell and have been for a while. So I am apologizing in advance for the slow updates. Also sorry it's kind of short. 




Third Person's P.O.V.

Lily, Remus, Sirius, James, Dumbledore, and Severus all jumped at the sudden shouting. Whilst Axel, Nickolas, Felix, and Gabriella all had angry looks on their faces. Although Gabriella looked way calmer than the men in question.

"Dries, go calm down in the hallway whilst I have a lovely little chat with the headmaster here," Axel whispered to Andreas, who looked hesitant but was dragged out by Gabriella.

As soon as the door closed and Andreas and Gabriella was out of view Axel started talking, his tone dangerous;

"What is this I've heard about my nephew going missing? You Albus Dumbledore let a child go missing whilst in your care. How would this look to the members of the wizarding community if they heard about it?" Axel menacingly questioned the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Your nephew? I demand to know who you are and how you got into my school?" Dumbledore questioned calmly.

"You demand, do you? Well, I demand you tell me how you lost my little Hadrian. As for who I am, my name is Axel Dimitri Vaughn."

All the other adults in the room -other than Axel himself, Nickolas, and Felix- face's all paled. They'd all heard the stories and rumours going around about the man who stood shouting at the Headmaster.

Meanwhile with Andreas and Gabriella;

"You really need to calm down sweetie, we won't find Rian if you lose your temper. Now will we" Gabriella said whilst rubbing his arm.

"Yeah, I guess. I just really want to find my little boy and hold him tight in my arms and not let him go for a while." Andreas signed as he slide down the wall. Now holding his head in his hands.

Gabriella moved to sit down next to him and softly said, "I know babe, don't worry we'll find him. Just please calm down because the sooner you do, the sooner we can go out and look for Rian."

Meanwhile, with Hadrian Potter-Villarreal;

Hadrian woke up oblivious to the panic going on inside the castle. The sun was already high in the sky and Hadrian was awake sitting in the whomping willow whilst playing with the tree.

What Hadrian didn't know was that the four founders felt his distressed magic when he first arrived at the tree. They then spent the night trying to get to the whomping willow without being seen. They finally reached the tree at 5 am, to see Hadrian asleep in the tree.

As not to be seen by anyone in the castle they hide underneath the tree and waited.

Soon after waking up Hadrian became aware of the founders magic being stronger as if they were there themselves. Just then the whomping willow picked him up by his waist and directed him down the hole at the bottom of its trunk.

When he landed he looked up to see the four founders looking at him, worry clear on their faces. "Um, hello aunt Hel Row, uncle Ric Sal." Harry greeted.

On the instant the words leave his mouth, Helga was hugging him tight to herself.

"Are you okay, Rian? We could feel your distressed magic all the way in the meadow. What happened?" Helgon rambled simultaneously squeezing Hadrian closer.

"Hel, you've got to let him go, he's turning purple from lack of breathing," said Godric Gryffindor.

"Wow thanks for stating the obvious," Salazar Slytherin replied sarcastically, accompanied with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't you two even start," Rowena Ravenclaw snapped as Godric and Salazar started to square up, and Helga loosened her hold on Harry.

"I'm fine I just had an argument with a friend and had to get out of there. Then I sensed your fours magic radiating from this tree stronger than anywhere else in the castle so I came and sat in the tree. I guess I fell asleep." Harry sheepishly explained.

Back in Dumbledore's office;

"Now you know who I am, tell me how in Merlin's name you lost my nephew?" Axel yet again demanded.

Just then the office door opened and Andreas and Gabriella walked back in, noticeably calmer. This is when Gabriella decided to unknowingly ask the same question as Axel only a lot less threateningly, "How did you lose my son?"

"I'm sorry. Do you honestly expect him to keep tabs on all the brats in this castle? They should know how to look after themselves. Honestly women he's not a baby." Severus Snape sneered down his hooked nose at Gabriella.

As soon as the words left his mouth he received four glares. From Andreas, Axel Felix, and Nickolas to be precise.

Gabriella just walked up to Snape and said, "oh, and I guess you have a child-" Snape tried to reply but didn't get the chance as Gabriella just carried on, stepping forward until Severus had his back to the wall. "- I guess you wouldn't care if your child went missing under the watch of somebody trusted by the whole community. All because they should know how to look after themselves, even though they have only been in the school a day. Therefore you're saying they should know their way around a massive castle they've never been in before."

Andreas and the three present Xstate men were all silently laughing at the look on Snape's face. Dumbledore, Lily, and Remus were all shocked by the outburst from Gabriella who previously looked so calm. Finally, James and Sirius were amused and slightly scared of this woman.

"Excuse me, you come unannounced into my school and my office and start threatening me and my staff. All of this without so much as introducing yourselves, it seems as though Mr Nihtengan, Mr Hildebrand and Mr Vaughn know who you two are." Dumbledore stated whilst trying to sound subtly scary, though failing miserably.

Gabriella backed away from Snape still glaring at him and turned to Dumbledore. "I am Gabriella Villarreal and that is my husband Andreas Villarreal-" She gestured to Andreas as she said his name, "- and you lost our son Hadrian Potter-Villareal"

With the founders and Hadrian;

"Aw sweetie, what did you and your friend fall out over?" Rowena asked softly.

"Oh well, I bumped into James Potter in the corridor yesterday so I was gone longer than I said I would be. James explained his side of what happened when I was a baby and how it felt then and after about it, and I forgave him because it matched with what I remember from back then. My friend Draco Malfoy started yelling at me as If betrayed him, and I just need to be away from him then I fell asleep out here." explained Hadrian.

"Well, I understand why you needed to get away snakelet, but in the headmasters' office your parents, Axel, Felix, and Nickolas are shouting at the headmaster, your birth parents, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape. Which I must admit is funny but they're extremely worried about you. Maybe you should go up there so they know you're alright." Salazar said kneeling in front of Harry.

"Okay, see you guys later," Harry said as he walk away waving.

"Oh, and congratulations on making it into Slytherin Rian," Salazar shouted after him making Harry laugh.

When he reached the headmasters' office he heard shouting so he didn't bother knocking because it wouldn't have been heard. So he walked in and all the shouting stopped. 

Word count- 1325

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