League of Villains

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"Hello everyone! I've been waiting for you." An astronaut said as soon as we walked out.

Mido was going crazy, fanboying about this hero, apparently their name was Thirteen, the space hero. Flat Earthers should really have a reality show where they try to find the edge of the world- that'd be irritating but funny to watch.

"I cant wait to show you what's inside!" They say enthusiastically. I cant wait to see what's inside.

Inside was huge, it really did look like an amusement park like Kiri said. There was a shipwreck, landslide, a fire, windstorm, and many other cool disasters scattered around the place. Thirteen explained how they made this place with the goal to train us how to handle rescues in different situations which, first of all, they really made this place on their own??? That's amazing! Thirteen has my respect.

Aizawa, Thirteen, and All- wait- where's All Might?

Just as I thought this Mr. Aizawa went up to Thirteen to ask that same question. Thanks to my amazing hearing I heard them say how he used up all his power in the morning with Thirteen holding up 3 fingers. What's that supposed to mean? 3 fingers? Does All Might have more hero work to do? And what does she mean by "used up all his power"? Too much thinking-

As I was having an existential crisis Thirteen started explaining their quirk and Mido fanboying but what really caught my attention was what Thirteen said next.

"But my quirk could also be very easily used to kill"

Woah- okay that went from 0-100 real quick- 

"Some of you also have powers that could be dangerous" they explain. This is really starting to hit too close to home- especially with me carrying around and using a katana.

Thirteen then went on to explain how our quirks can be dangerous but we could use them for good. We cant lose focus when on the field, as one mistake could cost someone's life. This really hit me hard. I don't want to hurt anyone- I want to keep everyone safe and avenge my old man.

After Thirteens speech I was at a loss for words. They really know how to motivate us and make us aware of our quirks potentials.

Just then, I felt something off... I have no idea why but I went to Mr. Aizawa about it anyways.

"Mr. Aizawa" I start, "Sorry to interrupt but something doesn't feel right."

He looks at me, "what do you mean?"

"I mean the air feels odd, almost like a barrier of some sort?" I try to explain, "I don't know but just keep your guard up, my instincts never failed me before."

He takes a look at my face trying to find any sliver of uncertainty but once he realizes I was being dead serious, he nods and goes back to the class as they were cheering on Thirteen for their amazing speech. With my quirk, sensing danger is practically 2nd nature to me. It has only gotten really bad exactly one time, when the old man died.... That day, that sickening feeling was terrible, I almost felt like throwing up but pushed it aside thinking I was just getting sick. I regret ignoring it now and I learnt from it. I'm never ignoring this feeling again.

I see Aizawa talk to Thirteen about it and they nod their head. Suddenly I feel a shock go through my body.

"MR. AIZAWA THEY'RE HERE!" I yell at him. Everyone looks at me confused but Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen look around in alarm. Just on time the light started flickering and some kind of black hole starts to form in the middle of the USJ. The black hole thing gets bigger until I see a hand come out from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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