The Secret

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A.N Sorry if when I type I make mistakes but this is just one of he very first books I've ever wrote.

Alexander's mother just turned around when Ivy fell on the floor "Oh no that will just make that scar even more infected!"Alexander's mother cried."I told you something was going on!" groaned Alexander,"I didn't think it was going to be that bad though!"wailed  Alexander's mother. They took her to the hospital and the doctor's put her in the ex-ray but nothing was wrong in fact she was absolutely fine!"It must just be a really bad dream."claimed the doctor's."But she is sweating like mad!"blurted Alexander."

There is something unusual about her."murmured the doctor. It has nothing to do with the sweating though...she has..."Oh just get on with it someone could be dying here without us knowing and your just trying to finish of you're stupid sentence!" moaned Alexander."I..It's that she has.. unusually long ears... exactly like an elves."declared the doctor. Alexander's mother stood as still as a frozen ice cube but Alexander wasted no time."So what she is an elf, your job is a doctor which is to save peoples lives no matter what and you letting some elf die right in front of you, she might not be a human but she is still dying!"screeched Alexander her mother still paralysed.But then she realised there was no movement at all everyone frozen."H..hello?muttered Alexander,"h...hello?" she questioned.

Then she suddenly felt her feet leave the ground her head lighten and her body disappeared"Help!"she panicked, suddenly her very own eyes were in a whole new dimension! "What is this place and, were am I?"Alexander questioned herself in a tiny voice.then she laid her eyes on a beautiful elf with beautifully cyan eyes."Hey Alexander how did you get here?"The elf questioned,"first of all how do you know my name and second of all... I don't know how did I get here?"proclaimed Alexander." Well you all ready know me...I...I'm Ivy."she whispered."Ivy!" are you okay like you were in an ex-ray a second ago and now I see you in some sort of full elf form and were are we?"howled Alexander.

 "You see um mm we are in the magic tree!"announced Ivy,"what sort of magic tree and how'd I get here if I didn't teleport?"inquired Alexander. "You see...this what you're standing on is the magic tree." Ivy announced,"we call it Xadia! and you simply just climb it!"Alexander looked down on the misty clouds,"were above the clouds!"Alexander panicked,"how'd you expect us to climb so high without falling of?!"Ivy sighed"well we usually just teleport,I'm just saying like it isn't how you're supposed to get up her but I mean you could if you really wanted to.""Yeah I doubt that!"Alexander remarked"actually that isn't true you see when you heard that loud thump in the ground...well that was me, some bully of mine came up to me and pushed me off! luckily this buddy," Ivy points to a "ordinary" deer ,"healed me up with its horn and helped me up but sadly she couldn't heal all of my body because you came along and  she didn't want to get spotted," Ivy paused and saw a sharp expression on Alexander's face,"I'm not saying that you were no needed and I didn't like the way you treated me," Ivy continued,"I'm just saying that I was genuinely fine."exclaimed Ivy.

"Well I'm sorry but you remember that deer I was talking about a second ago? well her name is Cinnamon and the actual name for this animal is a hendoor, a hendoor is a deer but with a special power to heal absolutely anything it touches but can kill anything it touches if it's most delicate part of there angry feeling is touched, this is why there so rear, if you'd even attempt to kill it can just heal it's self back again oh and don't even try snatching the horn of a hendoor that's impossible."added Ivy."Well we better get going a mission is ahead of us!"Alexander lifts one eyebrow"what mission?"Ivy sighs"you'll see and anyways just ignore what I said we'll first have a look around!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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