Boring day🙄

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Pov: Y/n
Baton Rouge Louisiana🐊

"Y/N WAKE YO BLACK BODY BUILT ASS UP" mama called from the kitchen, that bitch always yellin for sum mane. I got up and opened my door and saw my lil brother Aj standing there with a bowl of cereal for me, I didn't deserve him at all I told him thank you and gave him his books, I did his homework lol.
I finished gettin ready and went downstairs to see my bsf Kentrell at the door, man was he fine but I ain't saying that obviously but we all thinking ittttt. Chile anyways. I grabbed my stuff and Kentrell waved my mom goodbye then we walked out da door. We walked as usual because he needs that, a quiet walk to get him ready for the day, he wasn't the best at behaving but I tried to help.
      We both in our Last year of high school, knowing kentrell is 18 and I'm 17 I can't actually do nun with him until Nov 18 which is my birthday. I'm so glad there's only a few days left I really wanna get with that dude. Idk I told kd abt it he's the only person I talk to the most and my bsf kaycee.

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