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To say the pregnancy was easy was a lie, the morning sickness along with no appetite for real food made you cry but Baki was always by your side if he was out getting money he was by your side. You stayed training which he allowed but refused to let you fight anybody ever. Which was understandable. One morning you get to the gym early, your father was well known so a part of the gym was his for when he trained for up coming fights so you went to the side, you started light then moved to a punching bag because of your hormones you become angry wit very little things so to come here to work it all out helped. You heard foot steps, you turned your heads seeing the other side of the gym was still dark shrugging it off as just hearing things, you feel a strong presents come from behind you, you turn meeting the eyes of a man you wished you didn't have to meet. yujiro hanma the father of Baki hanma. You step back he smiles seeing the slight baby bump, " I thought maybe Baki would never give me a grandchild but look at you" you feel disgusted being under his gaze but remained calm " after he left the last girl, I gave up hope" he came closer towering you, he reached out but you stepped back " don't touch me" he chuckles " ooo a feisty one too, I've seen you fight with your genes and his, this baby will be a strong fighter" you huffed " you will not be involved in the baby's life so don't get to excited" his eyes darken and he stepped closer grabbing your arm leaning down " with your tone, you'll never get my blessing on this child" he lifts his fist. Before it can come down, Baki comes up ripping you away from him. You've seen Baki angry but the look on his face was clear, he was gonna murder his dad. " y/n go" you grabbed your stuff. After the day Baki never let you go to the gym alone, he always went with you and some good fighters would come to keep you company's. It made you sick that he's dad would go that low and hurt the baby. You look over seeing Retsu flipping through a small book, you walk over sitting before him " what is that " you smile leaning on your arm, he looks up " a guide book" you raise a brow " about?" He looks back at the book " babies" you felt a laugh erupt from your throat " why are you reading about that, you are not the father" he looks up as if he's offended " this child is Baki and what is Baki's  is mine. I've helped Baki for many years and would like to help his child for years to come " you felt like you could cry not just from hormones but out of everyone nobody really showed a lot of interest in the baby, you were just Baki girlfriend that happened to be pregnant and needed to be watched while he was away. You smile big hugging him, he only gently pats your back " thank you Sensei" he only nods as you go back to working out.

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