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(Warning:child birth)
Two months passed and your due any day now which you've see Baki nervous but he was a little jittery and shaking. You come up behind him hugging him resting your nose on his shoulder and mumble " you nervous " he stops what he's doing and signs " are you " you hum " yes" he turns moving his hands to your hips and hums " yes my love, I'm nervous " you cup his cheek resting your hand on his chest " you know I'll be surrounded by doctors " he hums " not the labor babe, I spent the rests of the months looking for you now I'm gonna be a dad in a couple of days. What if I'm like my..." you cut him off moving your finger gently over his lips " your nothing like him and I know for a fact this baby will love you as much as I do " he smiles lightly and looks down at your stomach moving his hand over it and chuckles " you promise love" you nod smiling big " I swear by it" he kisses you deeply and smiles. After a week you were in bed with Baki as he sat there with you asleep on his chest, your leg twitched a little and you groan and hum feeling pain. Thinking it's just back pain you look up " my back baby " he reaches down rubbing your back gently and hums as you feel the pain become worse, you breath heavy and hum. Minutes pass and your breathing heavy and Baki is trying everything to help you. You whimper " my water hasn't broke, there's n...no...no way I'm in labor" Baki calls the midwife asking her to come over as Soon as he hangs up, you scream in surprise as your water breaks " BAKI" he runs in almost falling as sees the puddle and comes to you to help you as you grip his arm and breath heavy " deep breaths,deep breaths " you glare at him " what do you think I'm doing "he tries to be patient and you move over to the other side of the bed taking ur pants off and squat down and groan, he comes around with a towel and rubs your back "I'm so sorry my love " the midwife shows up before Baki starts to panic. You stay squatted and feel a contraction rip through you, you cry reach out for Baki, he comes closer and you wrap your arms around his neck " it hurts, it hurts " he rubs your back and you can hear the pain in his voice " I know baby, I know your doing so good" you grip his shirt and groan feeling your lower half stretch and gasp " can...can...can I push please " you begged the midwife check and a hour passed no baby, you start to cry out of frustration then you see the midwife smile " it's time " you move laying on Baki chest and he gently holds your legs as the midwife stays in between " your doing so good " you lean your head back groan and gasp as you push time and time again, the head slips out and the midwife holds the baby's head and smile " gently y/n, your so close " with one finally push your baby comes rushing out. You breath heavy as Baki stares in shock " that....that...that's our baby " you smile weakly as she gently lays the baby in your chest you laugh seeing Baki completely lost from the side. You cry lightly kissing the baby head " hello little one " you look down and smile " a boy " Baki smiles big kissing you deeply " thank you, thank you, thank you" when Baki took the baby you felt peace and fell asleep knowing your baby was safe with Baki. Baki looks over and smiling covering you and holding your little son close " goodnight my love"

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