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Tzuyu's POV

I fell on the bed after releasing most of my frustration to the punching bag, I felt a bit better and full of life again. Besides, it wasn't the first time I got rejected by a modeling company, so I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

"It's their loss for not accepting me. That company wasn't even that big, I was just trying to give them a big chance to work with me, anyway." I said with my head held high. I glanced towards the wall and stared at the old man on the picture frame.

I could still remember his words to me clearly. Back then I was just a simple village girl, I lived with my uncle, Mr. Choi in a small village. He was the only surviving relative I had, although I know nothing about my parents as I was told they died a few years after I was born.

He always told me to stop dreaming so high but rather focus on farming with him, but I never obeyed him.

As time went by, I noticed that staying in the small village won't help me in achieving my dreams, so I decided to leave the village with the little savings I had and I started a new life here in Seoul, after promising my Uncle that someday I will become a great model.

I tried to get into many modeling companies, but the finances needed to register for that wasn't even anywhere near to my savings, it's on the high side. I have tried many part-time and even full-time jobs too, but the pay is nothing compared to the amount needed for registration.

I sighed as I shook my past failure off my head with my eyes still fixed on the photo frame.

"Grumpy Uncle. I know he will surely call me to rub it on my face. He thinks that I will never become a model, but I will surely prove him wrong." I nodded to my words and I got up from my messy bed and headed to the bathroom, smiling because it's another day to start a beautiful day in Seoul.

Finally, out of the bathroom, I got dressed and made my long black hair into a ponytail. I smiled at my reflection before grabbing my handbag, ready to leave.

I was about to leave my apartment when I suddenly felt the need to stop in front of the mirror and I did a few catwalks front and back about three times before I made my way out of the apartment without having any breakfast.

I took a taxi to my best friend's apartment. A friend that I met about ten months ago when I first came to Seoul. I pressed the doorbell twice and the door was pulled open inwardly, revealing a smiling guy.

"Good morning, Mark!" I greeted in excitement on seeing the face of my best friend, more likely the only friend I have.

"Morning? Tzuyu. Please come in." The male gestured with a smile and I jumped inside the apartment. Oh, I love the feeling of cool air coming from the air conditioner in the apartment, I wish I had one as well.

I looked at Mark and saw his soft smile, probably it's about my open personality, he always compliments me on that, though. He always says that I'm so open about things.

"Have you eaten yet?" Mark asked me. He's now standing beside his fridge staring at me, and I shook my head as a no.

"No, I'm so hungry."

"Okay, just a minute." He said and brought out two cans of soft drinks, bottled water, and two plates. He served the food which I guess he had just finished preparing and set it on the dining table.

"Tzuyu, come over and have your breakfast." He informed me of the dining and I quickly rushed over to him and sat on one of the chairs.

"Thanks, brother, I'm starving."

"Yeah, I already figured." Mark said with a small laugh following and I frowned at him.

"Why are you laughing? Are you trying to say that I only come here to eat your food on purpose?" I asked while raising a spoon to him.

"No, that's not what I mean." Mark tried to deny it while laughing pretty hard, and I started hitting him on the shoulder with my spoon playfully. Although, he wasn't wrong after all.

"Well, that's why I'm here!" I yelled right into his ears and Mark wasn't even surprised anymore. He's used to me always yelling, so yelling directly into his ear is not something new.

"Well then, let's start eating."

"Yeah, right." I started eating my food, enjoying the delicious taste in my mouth.

"You're a good cook." I praised him and Mark nodded with a smile following. It's also not something new to his ears, anymore. I say that all the time because it's the truth.

"So, did the company accept you?" Mark asked, feeling so concerned, that his eyes said it all. I looked at him and felt a bubble of sadness covering me, but I had to tell the truth. I can't keep him waiting for my answer.

"No. I was rejected. Again." I muttered and continued eating my food.

I notice that Mark also felt bad for me by the heavy sigh he made. I've known him for many months now, and I can tell when he's sad or happy, and right now he's sad.

"Was it regarding the registration fee or recommendation? Which one is it this time?"

"Both." I said and downed my drink in one go before looking at Mark.

"Every company I have approached either wants a recommendation from a high profile person or asks for a huge amount of money for the registration fee. It's so frustrating you know. For the past nine months, I've been working and trying hard to get into any modeling agency, but it seems impossible." I let out a deep sigh and Mark reached out to my hand and gently caressed it.

"I just paid my Mom's hospital bills yesterday, but I can help in recommending you to my boss. You should work for a few months and make the money you want then you can pay the registration fee. What do you think?" Mark asked, and I saw reasons with him, it's a great idea and I'm ready to give it a try. After all, I want to become a model, by all means, necessary, so working a few months won't hurt me.

"Okay, I will give it a try."

"Great. I will take you to my boss this evening, we're having a party in the company today as it's the company anniversary, so I see it fit to introduce you to him, besides you're very intelligent and smart. You will fit into the system perfectly well."

"Okay, I will get ready and come over this evening for the party, but for now I want to sleep here. Also, thank you so much for your help." I stood up and took the plates to the kitchen and trailed off to one of the free rooms for a nice sleep with the air condition on and blowing perfectly well.

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