Chapter 4: Elena

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As I continue to cry after telling everyone my story, I wiped the tears off my cheek and said, "Um.. well, it's getting late. I- I should get going." The brunette slowly stopped crying and said, "Do you have anywhere to stay?" "Yeah, I got a place." I said while sniffling. I actually didn't have anywhere to stay, but I didn't want to tell them that. The brunette and blondie escorted me to the door. "Well, um- have a good night." Blondie said just before she touched my arm. "Thank you." I said while giving a smirk. I walk down the steps knowing that I don't have anywhere to stay. I hear the door open and quickly run behind the wall, I look over and see the brunette looking around as if she knew I didn't leave. 

"I know you're there." She said while peeking her head around the corner. I walk out while putting my hands in my pockets. "What are you doing?" She said. "I'm actually not sure, I guess walking nowhere haha." I said while walking over to the bench next to the door. The brunette took a pause before she sighed and spoke, "You don't have anywhere to stay. Do you?" "No." I said while shaking my head. "I mean, I just moved here today." I said with a sarcastic laugh. "Well, my house isn't far from here. What do you said I drive us over there and you stay with me? At least until you find a place." I immediately look up at her with confusion. "Are you sure you want to do that?" I said with a light giggle. "Absolutely." I give a smile and say, "Okay." She laughs with a smile afterwards. "I'm Elena, by the way." She spoke while laying her hand out. "Kaila." I smile and we shake hands. "I'm guessing you're not a vampire?" I said while laughing. "How'd you know?" She said with a smile. "There's no daylight ring on your finger." Elena looks down at her finger. "Oh! Right." She exclaimed. "I promise I wont try and bite you." We share a laugh.

We pull up to her house and I'm scared and nervous, I feel like I'm barging into her home. We walk in and I see two man walking to the door. "Alaric, Jeremy. This is Kaila." I was shaking because I hadn't really met anybody new. I didn't really meet the group of vampires, It was sort of an interaction. "Hello," I said while shaking. "nice to meet you." The young boy comes up to me and says, "Hey, I'm Jeremy." "I'm Alaric." The tall strapping young man spoke. I smile and look over at Elena. "Jeremy, why don't you show Kaila to the guest room?" "Sure." Jeremy said while grabbing my bag. Him and I walk upstairs and I immediately start to hear Elena and Alaric talking about me.

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