7 - Pie

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Chapter 7

Amelia smacked Barry on the arm again for the umpteenth time because he kept on shifting as she looked at the nasty cut on his forearm. I chucked over my pastry as the huge Bear-shifter squirmed under the careful doctor's gaze. "Stop being such a baby!" scolded Amelia. "It wouldn't hurt so much if you had just come to me when you'd gotten it!"
I had seen Barry start to favour his left arm more than his right and that he wore a long sleeved shirt, which I thought was odd seeing as he's like a friggin furnace. So I had sent out the tiniest tendril of Magik to go and poke around in his arm and lo and behold, I sensed a festering wound. I caught him out and badgered him until he called Amelia to come and look at it. Turns out he had gotten it during the fight a few days ago and hadn't gone to Amelia, the reason that she was chewing off his ear.
"Ow, woman, you needn't be so bloody rough!" Barry bellowed in his heavy Scottish accent but Amelia didn't pay him any heed. This actually reminded me of what happened when I had treated Dante. I hadn't really seen him since, which is odd because I live on the floor beneath him and I should be cooking for him as well.
"Barry, should we bring Da- I mean the Alpha anything? I've noticed that he doesn't come down to eat." Amelia and Barry both looked at me with strange looks in their eyes. I looked down again at my pastry lying on top of the chicken filling and nervously put it in one of the big-ass ovens. Had I said something wrong? I didn't think so...
"Well, um, Beta Ian usually takes up food for him," Barry said and my internal lie detector twanged with false notes and I could sense that there was more to this. Was Dante not eating? He was a fully grown Were for goodness sake, he needed food! Not only that but he had to eat for everything to work!
"But you know, you could probably bring up some food for him," Amelia added and she finished bandaging Barry's arm. He quickly withdrew it from her hands and clutched it to his chest like Amelia was going to amputate it. Amelia rolled her eyes and shut her doctor's bag. Yes, her real, honest-to-God doctor's bag. Except it was teal blue, instead of the standard black. "The Alpha seems to have a serious soft spot for you." Oddly, that rang true. So either Dante really does or Amelia thinks so with a passion.
"By the way he was cursing me the other day, I wouldn't think so," I commented. "But he really should eat..." I said and Barry and Amelia looked at me slyly. "I'm only saying this because I'm the cook, okay?" I defended myself.
"Yeah, sure," Amelia drawled in her twang and I scowled at her.
"I'm just worried!"
"Of course ye are, lassie," Barry chuckled. "And this has nothing t' do with your moon eyes every time you get a glance at him, does it?"
"No!" I said fiercely, but I could hear the lie in my own words. Darn it.
I humphed as the other two chuckled and I pulled out the first pie I had put in earlier.

"Why would I be mooning at him when I know he has a Mate out there somewhere that isn't me?" This was a point I had to remind myself of. For the time being, I could not be Dante's Mate. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a point where I would consider myself healed enough to let someone like Dante, someone with such power that could destroy in equal parts to healing, in completely. I could tell that the two of them were looking at each other in the way old friends did when they had a similar thought, but I didn't have the heart to turn around to see.

 I glanced at the clock to see that it was one o'clock already. The enforcers would soon be coming in here. Even though I had no reason to be skittish around them, I couldn't help it. I had gotten use to Barry and he had 'protected my innocence' (as he put it) more than once in the past few days. Amelia I felt like I could trust. The only other I felt comfortable around was Dante. I'd rather leave all the rest to Barry, and taking food up to Dante was the perfect excuse to get away from here. The pie dish I had just put in was the fifteenth. That should be enough, and there were vegetables to go on the side.

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