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"James?" A panicked voice rang out. A woman opened the door into a house.

It was answered with peals of laughter. The woman smiled and looked behind a curtain, where a small boy was hiding.

"You found me!" He announced.

"Yes I did," his mother scooped James up and swung him around.

Suddenly, an explosion rang out, and a man ran in. "Honey? James?" He yelled.

The mother and son were under a table, and the last part of the family, the father, quickly joined them. Little James was crying, and his parents attempted to comfort him.

A bang. The door. Men with guns yanked the woman out from under the table, and her husband yelled. Everyone yelled. James cried, cried quietly.

And five gunshots, and it all stopped.

Hi! I'm very excited for this story, and I'm actually going to finish it! Updates are every Sunday!

It s a very different type of story than I usually write, but I'm very excited to see where it goes! Thanks to moonxriver for the cover!

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