Chapter 4

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Sebastian's Point of View

"hey Bas, what's up?" Nick asked answering the phone, "um, hey, so Finn and Jesse are on their way to Dalton right now, Rachel slapped Kurt and he has a concussion now," I said. about 15 minutes before, the doctor told us that when Rachel slapped him, she gave Kurt a severe concussion. "ok, we'll be ready," Nick said, "thanks Nicky," I said. "your welcome Bas," Nick replied before hanging up the phone.

I had only ever seen Finn and Jesse get that pissed once, and that was when we found out that I would never walk again, I swear they were about to murder the other driver. that's why I had them go pick up Nick and Jeff first, so they could keep my brothers-in-law calm. I was also surprised that Nirvana and Dani, and, Kori and Tina hadn't come to the hospital yet as we called them, but I didn't care because Kurt isn't close to either of his sisters.

I was by Kurt's side, my hand clutching his, Birt and Carole stood behind me, at least Kurt was only asleep. "Bas," Burt said quietly as not to wake Kurt, "yeah Dad?" I asked, looking up at him, "thank you for loving Kurt, he's not always the easiest person to deal with but he loves you a lot," Burt said, not going to lie, I couldn't help but smile, "thanks dad," I said.

I call Burt and Carole, Dad and Maman Bar {it's french for Mama Bear} because they're more like parents to me than my "real parents". for all, I care Burt and Carole are my real parents.

"Basy?" Kurt asked groggily. I wheeled and little closer and squeezed his hand the best I could, "I'm here baby," I said, "wh- oh, what did Rachel do?" Kurt asked, "Miss Bitchy McBitcherson gave you a fucking concussion," I said, "that means I get to spend a few days at home with you," he said trying to make a joke but failing miserably.

I think Kurt was excited about getting to spend a few days at home with me since I wasn't going back to school until after Christmas break to give my broken pelvis and spinal cord injury more time to heal (even though I did go to Dalton but no one pushes you into lockers at Dalton).

"I love you Kurtie," I smiled at him, "love you to Bas-Bas," he said. 

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