chapter 5

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Jesse's Point of View

"ready to take down a show choir bitch," I said when Nick and Jeff got into the backseat of my 2016 Kia Soul (but Finn was driving for some reason), "Oh hell yeah," Nick said. in all honesty, I have no idea why Finn and I both dated her, she was PISSED when she found out Finn and I were dating, and well now this. Rachel Barbra Berry is just a bitch all around, an ungrateful, uncaring bitch. I even transferred from Carmel for her and she didn't once thank me, I even helped her find her mom. I guess I was lucky in that sense to fall for Finn and to kind of be adopted by the Hudson-Hummel's.

we were lucky that the Berry's lived in Zanesfield which is in between Lima and Westerville so it didn't take us that long to get to Rahel's house, which Finn and I both had the directions memorized (wish I could forget).

"you guys ready?" Finn asked, "always," Nick said. we all got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I knocked and Rachel soon opened it, I held back a cringe. "Finn, Jesse, who's with you, and why are you here?" Rachel asked looking confused as hell, "this is Kurt's friends Nick and Jeff. we're here to talk about you slapping Kurt earlier today for dating a former Warbler," I said.

"oh yeah," she said sounding like the cold and caleste person that she is, "he deserved it," she added, "no he didn't Rachel, Kurt was ready to tell you, but do you know what happened to his boyfriend?" Finn asked, she just shook his head. "12 weeks ago, Kurt and Sebastian were driving to Columbus for a weekend getaway, when their car was struck by a semi-truck, Sebastian almost died. when Sebastian woke up from a 4-week coma, he was paralyzed from the middle of his chest down, a week ago his 'parents' disowned him, he's been living with the Hudson-Hummel's since," I explained. "so what?" she asked.

"My god Rachel! do you even have a fucking heart! Kurt was going to tell you, but he wanted to protect Sebastian and in all honesty, he has a right to be concerned! you gave him a concussion when you slapped him!" Finn yelled almost hitting Rachel, but I held him back. "babe don't" I said softly. 

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