Forever the Name

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So I'll go

Sit on the floor wearing your clothes

All that I know is I don't know

How to be something you miss

Never thought we'd have a last kiss

Never imagined we'd end like this

Your name, forever the name on my lips

Just like our last kiss

Forever the name on my lips

Forever the name on my lips

Just like our last...


November 2015- nine months after the prank

Sam stood still. It was like she had spotted a wendigo and was trying not to move a muscle. She currently stood outside the psychiatric hospital, trying to push away a panic attack. The sign and large gate gave her flashbacks to the sanatorium, which was on fire the last time she saw it. If she stared to long, she could almost sees the flames engulfing the building, burning the creatures within it. She remembered the chair Mike had found, and the deeply disturbing methods they  used in order to 'help' the patients. At least now they used much more ethical treatments. She was standing outside for long enough, and was probably going to be committed herself if she didn't move soon. With shaky steps, Sam forced herself to enter the building, the images of the mines playing in the back of her mind.

As she stepped into the foyer, she blinked and the terrifying images faded away to become pale blue walls and a soft carpet. The woman at the desk looked up as she approached, smiling at her.

"How can I help you, dear?"

Sam hesitated before clearing her throat.

"I'm here to visit Joshua Washington,"

"Of course. Samantha, is it?"

"Yes.." Sam was unsure how she knew her name. She hadn't called ahead or anything. The woman noticed her confusion and smiled sadly.

"Mr Washington is only allowed certain guests. Since you're obviously not Christopher or Mr and Mrs Washington, I only assumed."

Sam's heart pounded. The woman noticed she wouldn't respond and stood up. "Come with me, hon. I'll take you to his room."

Sam followed her down the hallway, turning left and right too many times for her to remember. When they finally stopped, she almost ran into the woman. The woman smiled reassuringly and gestured for Sam to wait a moment. She went into the room alone and returned a few seconds later, guiding Sam into the room. "He's waiting for you," she whispered, before leaving them alone.

Sam stepped into the room and her eyes landed on the figure sitting on the bed. For a second, he looked like the Josh she used to know. But one of his eyes was milky white and a long scar ran up one cheek.

"Sam?" He whispered hoarsely.

"Hey," She said, slowly inching closer. He watched her every movement, offering her a seat with a hesitant wave of his hand.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked gently, sitting on the chair by his bed. He shrugged.

"I'm getting better. Are you okay?" Josh seemed nervous, not wanting to upset her. Sam took a breath and smiled at him sadly. "Don't worry about me Josh. Im fine,"

He studied her for a moment before shaking his head. She glanced around the room, trying to think of something to say. Something comforting or reassuring.

"Your room looks nice." She said instead. Smooth, Sam.

Josh chuckled humourlessly.

"Expected to see a padded cell, Sammy?"

He smirked at her, a hint of his old boyish charm showing. "I know, I was real disappointed that it's not like the movies. I would have totally rocked a straitjacket."

"I have no doubt." Sam chuckled. The two of them laughed awkwardly before Josh grimaced, putting his hand on his scar.

"Does it hurt?" She asked, taking his hand and pulling it away to get a better look.

"Only a little," he told her, absentmindedly covering it with his hand again. "Guess I can't rely on my looks anymore, huh Sammy?"

"Oh, you were relying on them before?" She joked. Sam moved his hand again, trying to show that his appearance didn't bother her.

After a moment of silence, she held his hand in her lap and squeezed it. "Josh, do you know what happened to Hannah and Beth?" She asked gently.

"No, Chris wouldn't tell me. And I couldn't make myself ask," he shook his head, looking at her expectantly. Sam took a breath and turned her body to face him, still holding his hand.

"Beth was gone right away. Hannah.. she," Sam closed her eyes, determined not to cry. "Hannah was down there for weeks, Josh. She fought as long as she could but the hunger became too much."

"That was her down there, right?"

Sam could only nod, not trusting her voice not to crack.

"Those monsters were real?" He clarified.

"Yes, Josh."

"I didn't know they were there. I wouldn't have done anything if I knew there was real danger."

"I know, Josh."

Sam took a breath and clenched his hand tightly.

"Listen, what you did was terrible but, I did bad things too."

"What? I chased you around when you were almost naked. I knocked you out and left you on a chair, Sam."

"Yeah, it was pretty terrifying. But do you know what was almost worse?"

He looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Watching you die on the video."

"Sammy... I..." He broke off into a sob, covering his mouth.

"It's okay. You're here, we're together. Im okay," she told him.

"No you're not. How could you be after what I put you through? What I put all of you through?" He covered his face and started sobbing. "I'm so sorry, Sammy. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. Especially not you."

Sam lurched forward and wrapped her arms around his shaking body. She held him for a moment, not realising how much she missed his arms around her.

"Hey look at me," she held his face as he looked up at her. "We're gonna get through this. Together."

They both had a long path of healing to go down, but maybe they could still have a future. Sam vowed to help the broken boy, and he promised himself to help her in return. As time went by, they slowly began to heal. The nightmares became less frequent, the breakdowns less major. Through it all, they had each other. And that's all they really needed.

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