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Okay but do you ever just look at your hands??

[name]'s pov

I sighed as I said "bye mom, I'm leaving..."

"Bye hon! Have fun a camp! See you after summer!" She replied and continued cleaning the kitchen.

"Not even a hug goodbye?.." I mumble to myself as I walk out the door.

Just then, the bus pulls up. I get in and walk immediately to the back. There was somebody there so I sat at the opposite side of them as I put on my headphones and open Spotify. I turn on some music, eventually falling asleep.

/-|Timeskip brought to you by Hamilton|-\

I slowly open my eyes to somebody shaking me awake lightly "oh! You're finally awake, we're here, c'mon!"

I was confused and then I remembered that I was at camp and got all upset again. I stand up and start to make my way off the bus.

"Why hello there! You must be the two new campers!" Some guy says when I get off the bus. "Welcome to hell" The kid next to him said.

/-|Timeskip brought to you by the gays|-\

I walk around doing my own thing since we were done the tour and David said it was a free day. I keep walking until I find a stage, a theater stage. I walk up to it and sit down. I take out my phone and put on Spotify, I have one bar of internet, it's fine.

I left my headphones in my tent so I was just playing it out-loud. I did however bring my sketchbook with me so I opened that and started to draw. The first song that played was Helpless from Hamilton.

I looked around and started sketching watchever I saw, people, trees, animals, buildings, pretty much everything.

"Hello there!" I hear a voice from behind me and turn my head.

"I was behind the stage and I heard you listening to music, do you like Hamilton?" The person says as they sit down next to me.

"Oh, uh... yeah I do..." I as I shut my sketchbook and look over to them, I'm not good with people at all. I'm the biggest fucking introvert you'll ever meet.

"So do I! My names Preston, whats yours?"

"It's [name]..."

"Well then [name], would you like to be friends?"

402 words
this is basically an introduction but who tf cares?

Sleepover - camp camp - Preston x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now