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Kamyrn's POV:

I wake up the next morning wrapped in the arms of my comforter. I noticed the spot next to me was warm, so Chris must have spent the night. It wasn't lost before Chris walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He climbed in bed next to me and snuggled his face in the crook of my neck and giving me a kiss.

"Good morning beautiful." He mumbled against my neck.

"Good morning, fiance." I giggled.

"Sounds even better to hear you say it," He turned me around to face him. "You coming to school today?"

"Yeah, I should be getting up right now. Is my mom here?" I asked.

"Not that I know of, her and August was doing some thangs when I left." He cringed.

"That's so gross." I shivered.

"Tell me about it" He laughed.


Chris left before I did so that he can make it to first hour before everyone else. I left a little later because he made me run late by using up all the damn hot water. I swear he did that on purpose. I made sure he got that text too.

Me: Thanks for leaving me a nice and cold shower. -_-

Christopher: My bad, I had fell asleep in there on accident.

Me: That sounds about right.

When I made it to school Chris sent me a text that was too late.

Christopher: Something's up. I got a bad vibe.

I noticed that bad vibe as soon as I walked in. All eyes were on me and It crazy how much of the first week of school it felt. Everyone was whispering and snickering. A lot looked pretty disgusted. I noticed a familiar face walk passed and it was Cara she shook her head at me and smirked. Ugh, please don't tell me she told the whole damn school. I answered my own question when I opened my locker,





Just about every degrading name to a female was written on every corner of my locker. Who would go to such unnecessary extremes to make someone feel bad. How low of a life should you have? I slammed my locker Shut and everyone laughed. I stomped to class and noticed that something was different. Something was missing. Someone was missing. Someone else was here.

Where's Chris? I ran out of class and checked the hall. I noticed a crowd forming by the main office and policemen walking towards the crowd. I then heard Chris's voice shouting and I began running.

"Yo, get the fuck off of me. This is some bullshit. I didn't rape her!" He shouted.

I pushed my way through the crowd and the policemen put him in handcuffs.

"What is going on?! Let him go, he didn't do anything!" I shouted tugging at the policemen's arms. One of them pushed me and they pushed me a little too hard and I hit the ground landing on the side of my stomach.

"What the fuck is wrong with you she's pregnant!" He yelled. "Kami, are you okay!?"

"I'm fine!" I lied and held my stomach as I cried. I got a sharp pain in my abdomen and I can't even get up. I seen the anger and hurt in Chris's eyes as they took him away.

"Ms.Reed." The principal offered me a hand to get up but I declined it and scooted up against the lockers. "I need to speak to you... private." I looked away and ignored him. I just let my tears fall silently and I held my stomach as I buried my face into my knees. "I guess I'll just call your parents." I continued to sit there with no response and he sighed.

"She's just afraid what he might do to her when he gets out,she's vulnerable.." Cara whispered as she pulled him aside.

Anger built a bomb inside of me and Im about to explode. Just to hear the voice of that bitch triggered the monster inside of me. The pain in my abdomen, I couldn't feel anymore. My tears, they went away, my heart rate increased and I rose. I sprinted over to Cara and tackled her. I beat her in the face with my fist as If I was making dough. The blood didn't stop me and her crying didn't either. I wasn't finished until she stopped breathing completely. She no longer belongs on this earth, infact, I hope this teaches her and any one else for that matter a lesson to never, ever, ever fuck with Kamryn Renee Reed again.

"Kamryn, stop!!" My mother, August, and the principal pulled me off of Cara. I kicked her one good time in the head to let it all out a once.

I cried in my mother's arms and she rubbed my back to calm me. I don't know what else to do. I felt a liquid between my legs and I looked down to see that I had blood seeping through my pants. The blood never stopped coming. I cried in shock and didn't know what to do.

"We need to get you to the hospital, Now." My mom pulled my hand and we ran to the car. She handed me a towel to sit down on my way to the hospital. Can life get any worse?


"Miscarriage? What? How is that even possible? I didn't even fall that hard." I cried.

"Well, you fell hard enough." The doctor said.

"This is not fair, Im suing that officer. He killed my grandchild." My mom spat.

"Chill out, babygirl. Everything gone be alright." August comforted my mom.

"What am I gonna do about Chris?" I cried. "How am I gonna tell him about the baby?"

My life is ruined, once again. I hope Cara is satisfied now. That back stabbing bitch.


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