𝟘𝟙 | a bundle of trouble

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To put it in short terms: Shouyou was dumped. 

It was pouring rain, currently, as he walked down the freezing, empty sidewalks, ears glued to his head in sadness. His previous owner, a much older woman, had taken him to the park today, something they did every day since his adoption half a year back.

This time, however, she walked oddly slow, and Shouyou was willing to bet that, if she had ears, they'd be down on her head, much like his is now.

He was too naive to believe she was sick, and that she wasn't going to make it much longer. More like, he refused to believe it. Maybe he could've done something? Settled down, made her some tea every morning, or give her more licks and cuddles.

Sniffling, he shook his head, hoping to get the water out of his hair and ears. It was cold, and he was blanketed in mud, where he was playing around in a puddle before realizing the sad, cold truth of today.

Something really nice smelling caught his attention. He sniffed the air again, then again. His stomach growled, begging him to follow the smell and devour whatever was the cause of it.

The morning sun gave him enough light to see the pavement better, and he suddenly realized that he had been aimlessly wandering all night. He hadn't eaten anything since yesterday's lunch.

There's a tall, tall wall looming in front of him, blocking him from that delicious smell.

No, literally. This wall had to be the size of him times 7. He walked around it for about an hour until it led deep into the woods, where there were plenty of trees he could climb to get over.

It also just so happened to be that Shouyou was really good at climbing things.

He landed safely on the ground on the other side and noticed a bunch of large, scary guys dressed in black with their hands folded in front of them. A gardener was in the bushes, trimming the leaves with large, scary-looking scissors.

Whimpering, he followed the wall into a secluded area, where a window was open, and beyond that window sat a large pot of roast.

The man in white with a tall hat left the kitchen, and he raced toward the window, leaping through and running over to dig his hands in it. "Yummy~" He moaned, taking the pot and sitting on the floor with it as he dug in.

It took another ten minutes until someone came back in the kitchen, their content whistling coming to a stop. "What are you doing?!" They exclaimed, rushing at Shouyou with a large knife they had swiped off the counter.

"Who are you?!" Shouyou yelped and ran off, wiping his face with his wrist as he turned unfamiliar corners and crossed untracked halls.

His feet prints were all over the place, following him like a shadow. "Get back here!" When they passed another open window, the man shouted, and the people in black came rushing over.

 Leaping over the pure, white couch, Shouyou barked in an attempt to intimidate the people, only to continue running down another hallway. "Freeze, or we'll shoot!"

Now, as a dog, Shouyou has a rather good sense of danger, and, at this moment, he froze, because he's not ready to die yet. "Turn around and put your hands up!"

Though they seemed surprised by Shouyou's fluffy tail and ears, they kept their guns up and their eyes focused. Shouyou did what they said. Whimpering, he hesitantly took small steps away from them, eyes watering in fear.

"I'm... I'm sorry~!" He sobbed, bumping into someone from behind, he jolted, turning around hastily and locking eyes with a pair of gunmetal blue ones that made his body relax and his sobs slow.

"You can put those away. I'll take it from here, thank you." The beautiful man shooed everyone off, and Shouyou sniffled, wiping his eyes. "You've caused quite the ruckus, little puppy. How'd you get in?"

Shouyou pointed toward the smell of flowers. "There was a... a big tree in the woods. I climbed it," he muttered, sniffling once more. He hummed in understanding, pulling his glasses down and glancing behind Shouyou, where his small footprints were tracked everywhere.

There were even some on the walls. How'd he manage that? "Why are you here?"

At first, Shouyou glanced around, then reached out to the male, holding onto his white flannel. With a sharp inhale, he reminded himself that it can be washed. It's not the end of the world.

"Granny's sick, and she took me on a bus yesterday for forever, and there were a lot of people on there, too. But we got to the park, finally, and I was really excited to play, even though it was a different one than usual, but she threw a ball, and-and when I went to go get it... she wasn't there anymore..."

Sniffling again, the male watched Shouyou's ears flicker downward onto the top of his head, and pursed his lips. "I smelt something really, really, good, so I just kinda followed my nose... But-But I swear I was gonna leave afterward! Probably!"

Sighing, he rubbed at his eyes, gently taking Shouyou's padded hand in one of his. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. How about you get cleaned up, and I can get to know you a little better? I'm Akaashi, by the way."

Shouyou's ears went up in joy, his bright, stunning eyes that Akaashi just noticed shimmering. "Really?! Thank you so much! Thank you!"

A quiet chuckled left Akaashi's lips.

"And, your name?" They made it to a large bathroom, where the taller male proceeded to run the water for it, then started up the shower. "Oh, I'm Shouyou! See!" 

Fiddling around with his wet pockets, he finally managed to pull out his collar tag, which, in fact, said Shouyou on it, along with his birthday. "Yes, I see. Would you mind removing your clothes, Shouyou? I need you to rinse off before you take a bath."

A bit flustered, the ginger nodded, stripping down and tossing his clothes shamelessly onto the floor. It seems like he was raised in a rather... messy home...

Shouyou stepped under the shower, shaking his hair and ears and tail every time too much water got in them. Akaashi found it amusing. What was also amusing, however, was Shouyou's... body...

Like, holy shit, thick curves in all the right places, small waist, cute, pink nipples, fluffy hair- He had it going. Akaashi coughed into his hand, politely turning away.

"Akaashi-San! I'm done, Akaashi-San!" He peaked his head around Akaashi's body, grinning widely. Oh, fuck, he's gorgeous when he's not covered head-to-toe in mud. "That's good... Uh, I need to speak with the maids, so you can go ahead and bathe, okay?"

Nodding, Shouyou obediently dropped himself into the water, giggling and paddling around. Akaashi left the room, calling a maid over. "I'm sorry to bother you, but could you and the crew please... clean up Shouyou's mess. Koutarou will be back soon."

She nodded quickly, bowing and rushing off to find her friends.

Running a hand through his hair, Akaashi glanced at the bathroom door, taking a breath of air before walking back inside.


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