~Ch. 7~

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"I was wandering around a lone at night when I wasn't supposed to. I was wary and untrustworthy to those around me. They all seemed suspicious, but then you literally came running into my life. You looked calm, but trouble was in your eyes. I was memorized, yet fascinated with the boy I just saw. I wanted to be in your life. I wanted to be someone you could trust and be excited to be around. I didn't know where these feelings came from. But, when I saw you in my dream one night I knew what I was feeling. You were my comet just as I'm your Earth." ~Unknown 1:1

Exploring the field and the woods around it was fun and I loved every second of it. So, when it started to get darker outside I was disappointed that I had to head in.

I close the door behind me and lock it. My mind pondered back to the journal and I decided that I would feed into my curiosity, but I would only read one page. Only a singular paragraph.

So, I make my way back to where the bedroom is and I grab the pillow and put it aside as I stare down at the journal. My mind was conflicted as I was curious, but I also knew a journal is private thoughts, thoughts that weren't meant to be shared. I purse my lips and gulp as I pick up the journal. Even though the journal is probably light, the situation made it seem heavy as a boulder. I could put down the journal and forget it, but my curiosity would kill me as well as my mind, in general, would drive me crazy. I unpurse my lips as I open the journal to the very first page. The paper had a very pleasing paper smell to it and I closed my eyes for a brief moment to relish in the smell.

When I opened my eyes I briefly scanned the first page and it was weird. Under each paragraph there were numbers almost to that of a Bible. Except they were different. The first number signaled what page you were on and the second number was that of the paragraph number and this was done under each and every paragraph. I smile to myself as this was very endearing in a sweet way.

I bring my eyes back to the first paragraph and I read it.

"This is not my first journal, nor will it be my last. But, I did have a thought of it being my last day alive. I met Hunter Morgan. The witch that cursed my family and that my family members have warned me about. He introduced himself as Axel. He said he was a businessman, but I saw through his lies. I could smell them. I knew he was the man my family had warned me about and it's only because of the promise he made to my ancestor, Christian. The witch before me had a faint glow to him and I knew our fates were twisted with one another. There was no point for him to lie to me. Not when I have been exploring the world for him and maybe it was pointless for me to do since he promised Christian that he would protect me, but still. 1:1"

I put down the journal as my hands started to shake in fear. I'm fearful for my life. I don't know who Axel is anymore. I don't know his intentions with me and sure he told me, but it could've been all a lie. He could've pulled the wool over my eyes. I pick up the journal once more and I find myself reading the second paragraph.

"I told Hunter to get lost and I continued my way back home. But, he was persistent in following me and after talking with him for a few days I grew to understand him. He wanted to move on from this curse that he placed on my family and he told me he regretted it. He wanted to help us. Help me. I had gained a trustworthy ally that day. 1:2"

"Hunter isn't that bad of a person. He lets me stay at this cabin he built long ago, but has upgraded as time went on. It's a nice place and I think it's the only place I can call home after all of these years of being alive. I did have a home once, but they abandoned me after my mother passed and I became dead to them when my father died in a drunken car crash. I would like to say my hands are not stained with blood, but they are. My mother lost her life because of me and even though I was five at the time I was well enough aware to know that someone should not be driving drunk. I had watched my father chug down the beers and liquor as if it was air to him and he was about to fall asleep when I told him the lie. I told him we had run out of food and I knew my father wouldn't check. He trusted me enough to inform him when we ran out of food and every time I informed him he would immediately leave the house. So, I waited for him to get wasted enough to bring up the food situation. I had watched him stumble and fall out of the house, but I didn't care as my cold heart just wanted him to leave this plane of existence. 1:3"

I slam the journal shut in panic as if Finn will jump out at any second. He wasn't in any way the way Axel, or well Hunter, had described him to be. A shiver of fear runs through my body and I tense my shoulders as I drop the journal to the bed. What do I do now? Do I just sit here like a clueless duck or do I try to escape?

Escaping would be pointless. Hunter put me in this cabin for a good reason and he gave me that reason. I let out a sigh and shake my head. I guess I'll have to wait when he comes back or when Finn shows up.

I grab the journal and put it back in its original spot before I pillow on top of it and I take one glance around the room before I get under the covers and I let myself become vulnerable as darkness consumes me.

When I open my eyes the light of the next day is blinding me and I let out a groan as I sit up in bed and I walk up to the window. I close the blinds as I rub my eyes with my wrist and sleepily walk to the bathroom. I use the toilet and as I'm about to brush my teeth I realize that I don't have a toothbrush here, or toothpaste. I let out a huff before I make my way to the kitchen and I stand in it for a bit as I think of why I'm here. There's probably no food and even there it was probably rotten.

With determination I look through each cabinet and drawer. In the end I found nothing. Not even a single canned good.

There must be some berries somewhere in this forest. I look around the kitchen once more and I find a basket in the cabinet next to the sink. I pull it out and I close the cabinet as I go to the kitchen door and I open it. The sun was shining brightly as there was morning dew on the grass. I smile as I walk out of the cbain and close the door behind me. I carry the basket across the field as I explore in the forest for some berry bushes. I look all around the forest, but close to the cabin so I don't get lost, and I find nothing. With a defeated sigh I make my way back to the cabin and as I approach it I see a human silhouette standing by the backdoor. My heart picks up in speed as I can think of all the scenarios of what could go wrong and I stop breathing for a moment. Heat rises in my chest as my lungs felt like they were being constricted and I knew this feeling too well. I was going to have a panic attack. I fall down to my knees and my vision starts to blur as my eyes fill with tears and when I look up for a brief moment I see the silhouette running towards me. I tried to let out a cry, but it only sounded like a strangled cat. I cough and wheeze as I grip the grass tightly and before I know it I'm in a familiar embrace.

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