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"I said I am going on a trip. Not we. Go back home, Remi. All of you. Now" oh Lorenzo was pissed off.

"Brother, you're wounding me. Don't abandon us here just like that" Remi said dramatically. It seemed to only irritate Lorenzo further he looked like he's about to tell him to fuck off but then Clara saw her opportunity to save herself from Lorenzo's constant overbearing presence.

"They should come if they want to,"

Lorenzo sent her a deadly glare.

"No. Absolutely not. Get out. All of you" Clara was turning to leave but he grabbed her by the back of her shirt "Not you. Them. Go back to Eliana and Rafael and stop being anticlimactic element to my vivid romance tale" the last sentence he said to his siblings, pointing his finger at them rudely.

Vivid what?

"There's no romance" Clara responded automatically. There is zero romance here. None.

"You see Lorenzo? There's no romance as the pretty lady has said. Relax, we're just here for the plane ride. As soon as we arrive in Palermo we will fuck off and find ourselves proper entertainment. It's not like we will bother you or anything" Remi continued his attempts to convince his brother.

"You are bothering me now, Remi," Lorenzo pointed out.

Grumpy much?

"Alright, listen. Eliana and Rafael get all mushy, lovey-dovey with each other lately" Remi explained. "And it's stupid that they have three kids at the house all the time"

"Exactly, they should have a little privacy" Milo explained calmly.

Okay, so this is why they came. They wanted to give some time alone to Eliana and Rafael. But.

"I deserve privacy too" Lorenzo fired back at them feeling defensive now.

"Have you ever seen Rafael telling someone he loves them? It's creepy I'm scared when I see him with Eliana" Remi added.

It's true, Rafael had the emotional range of a rock.

"Do Eliana and Rafael know about this? Lorenzo looked at his brats with suspicion.

"Well-" Of course they don't.

"Remigio Camillo Vincenti" Lorenzo started but was interrupted.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Cas and Milo are here too" he said pointing at his siblings. "Plus," he said getting up and as he was standing behind Casey he put his arms on her shoulders "She never met grandpa," he said sweetly.

Casey, annoyed by the close proximity of Remi, stomped on his foot. "Ouch. Little shit" Remi said.

"Can I kick him in the balls?" Casey directed her questions at Lorenzo.

"Just try" Remi taunted them and they started wrestling.

Milo sighed heavily "It will take generations for our family's honor to recover after these two are done with turning every situation into a circus performance," he said heavily, shaking his head.

Remi and Casey stopped and gave at Milo in dangerously looks. This is when he knew it's time to run.

Lorenzo on the other hand raised his eyes into the sky as if he was praying for patience.

"Okay, I'm done. The faster we land the quicker we get rid of them. Y'all get your asses on the plane I mean all of you" He looked at Clara irritated "I need to call Rafael" he walked away.

When Clara entered the plane the three kids were already sitting there. They seemed satisfied with the turn of events. When they saw her entering they briefly introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Milo," the one with light brown hair said. He already had an earbud on and a book in his hands. As soon as he said that he dived into his lecture.

"Remi," the one with messy dark brown hair said. He opened a ginger beer for himself lying sprawled on his seat and taking far more space than necessary.

"My name is Casey," the only girl said. She was wearing an oversized checkered shirt, a T-shirt with a cat printed in the middle, and a short pressed dress.

The last one to enter the plane was Lorenzo. He saw the whole crew of uninvited guests and shook his head in disbelief.

"Marco fly us off here for God's sake," he asked the pilot.

"Of course Boss"

"What did Rafael say?"

"I had to tell him we already flew off otherwise all of you would be going back home"

"Aww he cares about us," Remi mocked.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut it, brat" Lorenzo warned.

Clara expected to spend this right in absolute silence but the plane was nothing but silent.

He was teasing, laughing, and telling jokes to his siblings. It was amazing to see how he was with them. Something in her heart was melting when she saw him like that. Happy, relaxed.

Lorenzo was a cool older brother, she decided. Suddenly she felt harsh pain in her chest. She loved Sante but he was always so distant and then she lost him. After she and her mother were kicked out of the house Clara couldn't remember how many nights she spent crying because she felt like she had lost her brother forever. She felt... abandoned.

She understood why Lorenzo didn't want this move to Sicily. He clearly loved his family and he didn't want to go somewhere far away from people he loved.

"Lorenzo said he's visiting Sicily several times a year what about you?" Clara asked the kids. Right, she kept referring to them as kids but they were around high school age so they were almost young adults. She was curious how did it happen that Casey has never seen her grandfather before. That was weird. Besides, Lorenzo mentioned that he has three brothers. No sister.

"We're visiting often on holidays"

„What about Casey?"

„Casey is Eliana's sister she joined our family only six months ago" Lorenzo explained.

"Unfortunately," she said but smiled, her tone of voice indicated that she doesn't really mean it and she's just trying to tease them but Lorenzo played along.

„Be quiet brat"

The Abandoned Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now