My Baby

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   Please, be okay.

   Jisung paced around the hospital  waiting room. Impatiently, waiting for any news on his twins condition.

     "Mr. Han?" A male's voice called from the entry.

   Jisung stopped pacing and looked to the man in scrubs.

    "I am a resident my name is Taehyung. I just wanted to give to a quick update on you friend. He is stable. It was touch and go for a bit. But, Dr. Min Yoonji, she was able to get the bullet out. Luckily, the bullet didn't  peirce anything serious. He should make a full recovery. If you want you can go see him. He is in room 320." Taehyung  smiled.

    "Thank you. Really, thank you." Jisung bowed respectfully.

   "There is no need for that. Please, go see your friend he must be shaken up." Taehyung told the younger.

     Jisung nodded and ran off to his twin.

   Making it to the room he let out a breath.

    Felix was still asleep.

     Jisung took his phone out and dialed a certain ravenet's number as he exited the room.

    "Pick up." Jisung muttered.

    "What do you want Jisung?" The ravenet answered.

   "Felix is in the hospital." Jisung stated.


   "He was shot. Saeyoung shot Felix. The real reason Felix went missing for three days was because, Saeyoung kidnapped him." Jisung explained.


   So, not Jisung's brightest idea telling a deadly Mafia leader that his best friend and possible love interest was shot and kidnapped by the leader of a gang.

  Hyunjin hung up on the younger male.

   The ravenet stood from his dest and walked out of his office.

    The people standing around hurriedly left their place to find somewhere far from the mafia leader.

    "Changbin. I need you to tell me Saeyoung's last know location." Hyunjin stated.

  Chan, Changbin, and Jeongin all shuddered at the look in the leaders eyes. 

    "Uhm, okay." Changbin typed something on his computer than looked back to Hyunjin.

    "His, uhm last known location was at the school." Changbin spoke.

    "Okay." Hyunjin went back to his office, grabbing his coat and weapon.

   When, Hyunjin got there the red head was still at the school leaning against the wall of the gate.

    Practically, jumping out of his car, he headed straight towards Saeyoung, who was smirking whilst looking at the raging Ravenet.

    "If it isn't Felix's big bad boyfriend." Saeyoung laughed.

     Hyunjin pushed the red head against the wall harshly.

    "You fucking asshole." Hyunjin was seething.

    Saeyoung laughed.

   "I thought that you wouldn't  find anything out because of the fact you two are in rival Mafia's." Saeyoung stated.

   The grip on older males shoulder got tighter. Saeyoung winced feeling the cold metal from Hyunjin's gun on his chin.

  "What are you going to do kill me right now?" Saeyoung smirked.

   Hyunjin gave a wicked smiled.

   "No, I am going to have fun. I am going to hurt you like you hurt Felix, hell I might even hurt you worse. All depends on how I feel when we get to where you will be residing for the next few days." Hyunjin whispered pressing the gun harder against the olders chin.

    Saeyoung shuddered.

   He crossed the wrong people. He really did.

    Hyunjin shoved the male in his car keeping the gun on him the whole ride back.

    "Jisung, what the hell did you tell Hyunjin!?" Chan asked the male on the other end of the call.

   "I told Hyunjin what happened to Felix." Jisung stated.

   "What did happen to him?" Changbin asked.

    "Saeyoung shot him." Seungmin responded.

    Changbin was about to speak but, the front door to the house they were in busted open.

   Hyunjin was holding a gun with on hand and dragging a now, unconscious Saeyoung by the collar to the basement.

    The scariest part about the whole thing was, the fact that Hyunjin had a small smile and an evil glint in his eyes.

     "What was that loud noise?" Jisung questioned.

   "That would be Hyunjin, dragging Saeyoung to the elevator." Chan muttered  looking at the leader.

    "Unless, Felix wakes up don't bother me. I have stuff to do. Manners to teach." Hyunjin stated dragging saeyoung into the elevator and pressing the 'B' button.

     Chan, Changbin, and Jeongin just nodded.

   "Make sure no one there calls Hyunjin, unless Felix wakes up do not bother Hyunjin." Jeongin stated.

    The other three didn't even question it.

   Hyunjin smiled at the male whose hands were now bound above his head, as he was now just hanging there.

    Hyunjin picked up a knife as he heard a groan.

    "Your up." Hyunjin walked up to the older male.

    "Yep."  Saeyoung groaned.

     "So, what did Felix say when you kidnapped him?" Hyunjin questioned.

    "He told me that I could have bought him food then, Kidnapped him." Saeyoung stated.

     Hyunjin nodded. It definitely sounded like something Felix would say.

     "How long did you torture him?" Hyunjin asked as he lightly pressed the knife against Saeyoung's arm causing the older to squirm.

    "4 hours. He never even made a noise."  Saeyoung told him.

    Hyunjin hummed.

   "He's always had a pretty high tolerance for pain. At least when he is not around me. I find it cute, he'd fall, pout and say that he is hurt when he is around me so, I'd baby him. You know give him hugs, cuddles, and Kisses.

    But, one time when he was hanging out with Jisung he fell pretty hard and just right back up with a smile. I didn't say anything about it, I didn't mind babying him." Hyunjin smiled at the memories.

    Saeyoung clicked his tongue.

   "Do you like him or something.?" Saeyoung questioned.

  The feeling of the knife dragging across his skin caused the older of the two, to curse.

     "After finding out today that you had kidnapped Felix who is a Mafia leader  I knew full well, that he would have done something to show you not to mess with him. But, obviously that was not enough.

   So. I will teach you something. Something you won't forget about me. I do not take kindly to people hurting my friends. But, most importantly I do not take kindly to people hurting My baby." Hyunjin whispered the last part in the olders ear causing the older to shudder.

    I didn't think he would be this mad.


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