Chapter 9:Healed

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After a while Madam Pomfrey comes outside, indicating I can see her.I don't even say thank you I just run to the Hospital wing as fast as I can,earning a few odd looks from the houses even Slytherin,but right now that didn't matter all that matters was Lucinda.

I throw open the curtains to see a sleeping Lucinda,Sleeping but alive,I take a chair and sit next to her,I am never going to leave her side no matter what.


I slowly blink,my eyes felt like they were glued shut,as soon as I open my eyes a blonde haired boy catches my eye.Draco,it was Draco he was alive and he looked.... terrible.He is siting there rocking back and forth in his chair, obviously very worried about me.

"You look like shit Malfoy",I say in a weak voice.He immediately looks at me a smile spreading across his face,a genuine smile.

"Lu!",he practically screams.He jumps up wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me.I wince in pain hoping he don't hear it because he will feel bad,but he dose.
"Lu I...I...I'm so sorry I...I didn't mean to hurt you",he stutters utterly taken aback.


I felt like a monster I hurt her and all of this was my fault if I didn't even try what I did, neither would she.I love her so much and it breaks me so badly to see her like this.So fragile,so delicate,so......helpless.But I wasn't going to let anyone hurt her or even get in next to her without my supervision,she wasn't leaving my sight.

"It's okay Draco honestly I don't blame you I'm just sad it didn't work",she sighs,this infuriates me.

"Lucinda Marvolo Riddle I love you so much but ever try to pull this stunt again I'm leaving you".She stares at me in shock.It was hard to say,but I knew it was the only way she wouldn't try to finish what she started.Just when she was about to argue back Madam Pomfrey came rushing into the infirmary, practically sprinting to Lucinda's bed.

"Oh good deary you awake",she says,relief in her voice.


Madam Pomfrey comes over to me,handing. Me a skull like cap of clear liquid.I chug it down checking straight after,it tasted horrible.

"Well what did you expect",rushes Madam Pomfrey,"Pumpkin juice!".After she retrieved the lid,she turned to Draco,staring at him intently,

"She may leave".

Draco had a huge smile on his face and helped me slip on my shoes even though I insisted he didn't and that I was capable of doing it on my own.After he held out his hand and I take it cautiously Trying to stand.Unfortunatly I fall,but before I can reach the ground Draco grabs me.

"Right",he pauses,"Your not walking on your own and your not leaving my side got it".I nod my head because a lump had formed in my throat.He picked me up bridal style, carefully because of my neck.

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