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Drip drip drip. The sound of water tapping onto the window sill. Typical day in Woodsboro California.

You sat up in bed, staring out the window. You knew you had to get ready for school soon, but who says you couldn't just skip and sleep in? You sighed as you slowly dragged yourself out of bed.

Time went by slowly as you got ready. Feels like a Monday when its Wednesday.. You mumble to yourself as you slowly get ready for the day.


You groan as you go to answer the phone. Who was calling so damn early?! Until you looked at the caller.

"Of Course it's fucking Randy .. can he not leave me alone for more than 5 minutes?"

You sigh as you answer the phone. "The Hell do you want? It's to early in the damn morning to be calling me."

"Sheesh! I was just calling you make sure you were still alive, don't want you dying by a mysterious killer after all!"

You scoff as you hang up on him. You knew you'd get shit for it at school, but at this point, you didn't care.  You and your silly horror movies.. you thought to yourself as you finished getting ready.

Slow. That's how to describe time. Slow. Time always went slow for you. You grabbed your backpack and umbrella and went downstairs, ignoring your family and walking out the door, you were already late as is.

It was down pouring, more than you had estimated. Great. Fucking great. You grumble as you speed walk your way to school.

Fuck Fuck Fuck .. I'm going to be late..

You arrived at school just in time, though, and with time to spare. You wipe your forehead in relief as you enter the building. You head to your locker and put your stuff in it, to then have the locker slammed near your face.

"What the hell was that hanging up on me?! I was checking to make sure you were okay dumbass!"

"Last I checked no one calls their friend at 7 in the fucking morning, Randy."

"Well myy bad .. anyway you want to hang out after school?"

"As much as I want to say yes I'm busy. Whole family thing and all."

"Man your a fucking party pooper. Anyway tootles."

You growl a little as he walks off. Typical, Typical Randy. You may have known him for a long time, but he was still a pain in the ass. You sigh as you grab your remaining items and head to class.

Just another long day up ahead.

~~Some random Time skip brought to you by Billy~~

You grabbed all of your junk out of your locker and walked outside. You don't know when it stopped raining, but it did, and you were pretty happy about it. Rain made you feel so gloomy, but also happy at the same time.  It's just one of those things you can't explain.

You started walking home when someone ran up behind you.

"Well you could have WAITED for me!!"

You chuckled, "Sorry about that, just don't be slow next time."


You laughed as Randy stomped aggressively. It was always fun teasing him. Was there really a reason? No, it was just more of a "we've been friends for a while, let me just fuck up your life completely".

You walked together, talking about complete nonsense. Well mostly horror movies, since that was his favorite topic to talk about. He talked about Halloween and Friday the 13th, meanwhile you talked about gorey movies like Saw and Final Destination. Though those didn't "count as horror movies". 

"And tell me again why they don't count? Last I checked they did."

"They don't follow the rules of horror movies! Therefore they don't count!"

"Yeah, shove those rules up my ass Randy."

You laughed as he kept getting more pissed. He knew you were messing around with him, but he did it to get a reaction out of you.

Maybe even a smile, perhaps?

Shortly after finishing your conversation, you arrived at your house. He offered to take you inside, but you decline and waved goodbye, heading inside.

Man, that was tiring.

You walked into your room, once again ignoring your entire family. You just, didn't want to deal with them. They knew you didn't like to be bothered, so left you alone for the most part.

You flopped down onto your bed, groaning. Why so much damn spare time? It was boring. 

So boring ..

So boring ..

So fucking boring ..

You got up, snapping back to reality. These .. flashbacks were normal, but they still were annoying as hell. Couldn't they just, leave you alone for once? Once in your god damn life?

You scoff as you change into something more comfortable, sweatpants and a hoodie, and sit back down on your bed.

You grabbed the remote to the TV and turned on Halloween, since you had promised Randy you'd watch it.

And because of "Judith Myers Tits" in his words .. he was odd as fuck but whatever.

You leaned back and quietly took in each scene.

Each stab done by the killer ..

Imagining you were the one being stabbed ..

Laying there .. dying ..

You slapped yourself. Bad! We don't think those thoughts! Not anymore!

You just could never snap out of it, could you? You quietly finished the rest of the movie, taking in every little detail. Once the movie finished, you turned off the tv, and groaned. 

Now what to do?

It was to early to go to bed, but you didn't want to bother Randy, seeing it was so late at night. Normally he bugs you rather than the other way around.

He must be busy if he hasn't called me yet  You think to yourself, looking out the window, letting your thoughts run wild. Not like they had any other place to go, that is.

You sat up on your bed and stared at the wall. The multiple scratch marks from back when you issues got the better of you.

You realize how many hard times Randy had helped you through. Managed to keep you calm so you didn't hurt yourself, anyone, or anything. He meant a lot to you. You just couldn't form it into words.

Not one bit. But your sure he knew, right?

Those days were in the past anyway. You had managed to cover up most of the past with new things, to keep you occupied. Watching Horror Movies. Re watching your favorites to keep your mind off of things. You did whatever you could to forget the past. But no matter how hard you try, it wouldn't go away.

You sniffled as you got up, once again staring out the window. All that was visible was trees. Multiple different types of trees. Nothing to interesting, then again, when was there anything interesting?

You decide to take a shower. You got in and just let the water run over you. Not doing anything besides letting your thoughts consume you. You hadn't realize between the rest of the water, but you were crying. Crying remembering everything that had happened. It sucked, yeah, but you were a new person now. One who didn't let your past affect you.

You got out of the shower and put on some pj's, drying off your hair. Then the phone rang.

Must be Randy calling to ask me if i've watched Halloween yet..

You place down the towel and walk over to the phone, picking it up. "Hello? This is (Your name)."

"Whats your favorite scary movie?"

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