Sissy (wow im so good at naming chapters)

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Okay so this is gonna contain homophobia, more so internalized homophobia. There will be mentions of self harm. It's not graphic just Orin hitting news head off a wall. So expect slurs and derogatory terms, I can reclaim all of these slurs as a gay man, okay so don't tell me I'm homophobic. Also Orin is gonna be having a bit of a wank so possibly smut?

Anyways enjoy the angst

He came back. Orin had came back, to buy roses of all things. Deep red crimson roses, with large thorns. The red rose is used to symbolize true love in many cultures, that's what Mr Mushnik told Audrey. He never bought her roses so he must of moved on quickly. He would come back nearly every week, the same amount, the same flower, the same routine, stuck like a broken record. They never questioned it, Seymour rung him up and he left. But Orin always seemed to stare at him, probably out of impatientence. Seymour suffered with a conditions called shakey handus (me too Seymour 😘) which made him drop things often. But Seymour always got the feeling he was staring at him. Orin came back as normal so Seymour waited by the door for him.
"Same again?"
"Read my mind kid"
As they were walking over to the counter, Seymour accidentally dropped something at his feet.

I say accidentally but it was all apart of Seymour's plan. He was going to drop something at his feet, bend over and see Orin's reaction. Would he slap his ass? Would he grab his hips? He had no clue.

"Oh, my apologies, let me get that" Seymour said bending down. He had dropped a pack of seeds. He made quite a show and dance of it, basically slut dropping to the ground and tilting his ass up high. Orin's breath hitched slightly but Seymour didn't hear him. Seymour was slightly disappointed at the results but a man can't have anything. At least Orin hadnt kicked him, right? Always a bright side, that was his motto.

Seymour began ringing him up.
"10 dollars, please"
Orin took the money out of a black leather wallet.
"Mr.. "
"Doctor Scrivello, who are you buying these roses for? A lover, like a girlfriend or boyfriend?"
Orin's head jolted at the mention if a male lover. He grabbed Seymour's shirt collars and pulled him towards him.
"Boyfriend, do I look queer to you"
"No doctor Scrivello! That's not what I meant"
"Then what did you mean, you fucking pansy?"
A piece of spit flew out of his mouth at every word because of how loud he was shouting. God, Orin was so close to his face now, he just wanted his lips on his, his hands running down the back of his trousers, down to his-

Orin shook him
"Huh, answer the question, four eyes!"
Seymour adjusted his glasses and gulped.
"I just believe in using more inclusive language, doctor Scrivello. I didn't realize that it would offend you!"
Orin sniffed in sharply and put him down.
"You gay, Seymour?"
"Are you queer, are you bent, are you a pufter?" (Is that international slang?)
Orin always thought he was at least a little queer. He never had a girlfriend, he was small and petite and he ran a flower shop.. A fuckin flower shop.

Seymour brushed himself down. He cocked an eyebrow flirtily and sat on top of the counter. He crossed his legs sassily and grabbed Orin by the bottom of his jaw. "Oh wouldn't you love to know, doctor" He said seductively. He couldn't believe he'd just done that. He was Seymour Krelborn, the boy who pissed himself in the kindergarten play. Orin looked disgusted but was blushing madly. Seymour never noticed the hard-on growing in Orin's trousers. Orin swiftly punched Seymour in the face, making his glasses fly clean off. The impact made him hit the floor, blood running from his nose. Audrey II picked up on the smell and cocked its head. Before Seymour blacked out, he saw Orin's outline in his blurry vision and through ringing ears he heard the phrase through ringing ears "fucking fag" He blacked out as he heard Audrey's high heels clack over.

Orin took his roses and exited the shop, tears in his eyes. Don't cry you little bitch boy, that's for girls and fags. "Orin!" Audrey yelled, shocked and confused. He didn't turn around, he just mounted the bike. He took the laughing gas from his jacket pocket and took a sniff. He began to cackle madly as the engine revved and he drove off.

He reached his dingy apartment, it was nice, he'd fucked many chicks in there. Pushed them into his bed, hand cuffed them and fucked them dry. His daddy would be proud of him.

Now, to get rid of his hard on. The boner. He had gotten that from Seymour. Seymour. A guy. No, he was thinking about his ass. His ass. Not her ass. I'm a guy, I see an ass, I get a boner, he thought. But it was a guy's ass. I got a boner from a guy's ass. No, no, no! It can't be true. He wasn't gay, especially not for Seymour. He lay down on the bed and turned over. The face of Seymour was next to him, smiling. He turned the other way, the face was there again. He looked upwards and Seymour was there, laughing.  He shook his head repeatedly and the Seymours disappeared. Good, the fag was gone. He was gonna get rid of this boner, shower, then he was going to sleep.

(I apologize to Steve Martin for this next bit)
He grabbed a bottle of lotion off his bed side table and smeared it into his right hand. He grabbed a playboy Magazine off his other beside table and flicked through it with his left hand. He began to stroke himself, looking at all the naked women across his pages. Big, busty beauties, he daddy would of called them. Nothing was happening, he was nowhere near close. His mind began to wonder, go make his own pictures. Women in bikinis, the ladies from the gentlemen's nights he'd been on, Seymour. Seymour?? Seymour with his arms pinned above him, covered in bite marks and hickies, moaning loudly, moaning his- Orin came over his hand. He'd just got his rocks off to Seymour Krelborn. The fucking plant nerd..

He wasn't gay, no he couldn't of been. He fucked chicks after all and he was damn good at it. He wasn't feminine, he didn't have a high pitched voice but neither did Seymour. He wasn't gay, he wasn't gay, he wasn't gay. He replayed this thought, banging his head on the wall in a perfect symphony of his heart rate. It wasn't soft either, he felt light headed but he needed to knock some sense into him. That's what his daddy would do when he was a lad, beat the mistakes out of him. That's what he did to Krelborn. He helped him.

I'm not gay, I ain't queer, I ain't a fuckin fag. He stopped hitting his head and looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a man with black hair and a massive purple bruise on his forehead. Suddenly, the image began to shift. He saw himself becoming more feminine, a caricature of a gay man. "Stop" He yelled, but the voice was high pitched and flirty. His fist flew through the mirror, glass sticking out of his knuckles. fuck the shower, he got straight into bed, drawing the covers over his head. He began to dream of his day tomorrow, yanking teeth and fucking beautiful women. He smiled a little, oh what an ideal day.

"Oh please doctor~!"

It was a moan, a man's voice, Seymour's voice. He ignored it, going back and replaying the part where he was yanking out a molar

An image flashed before his eyes. Seymour's neck, covered in bite marks and hickies.

Again he ignored it.

"I'll be so good doctor please~!"

He was hard again. No, not again. Hard over Seymour again. He had no choice but to get off to his dirty Seymour visions. He hated it, he wasn't gay, he was straight. He liked girls, no doubt about that. Bisexual. That's the word. No, he was straight. He had to be. He began to stroke himself.

"You're tight Krelborn"
It was his voice but he could hear Seymour whimpering. Of course he whimpers, loud as well.

"Aah~Oh Lord that's good!!~~"

He was getting close.

"Keep going doctor~!"

Oh just one more and-

"Are you a sissy now, son?" It was his daddy's gruff voice.

"No sir"
"Then why are you wacking it over a guy?"
Orin didn't answer mentally, he just looked upwards.
"I didn't raise no fag"
"I ain't a queer sir, let me-"
The hallucination stopped and Seymour's moans kicked in again. He finished again. He had to keep this secret, his little secret. He was broken but he couldn't be fixed. Best to hide this, for his own dignity.

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