Guess whos back hoes 😘😘😘

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okay I've been gone for ages as I forgot I'd written this. Anyways enjoy

"Seymour? Seymour, are you alright??"

Seymour blinked his eyes open haphazardly, his vision blurred and the taste of blood in his mouth. His glasses were askew on his face. "Seymour are you alright??" Audrey asked, grabbing at his face with an ice pack. Seymour pushed her off, nodding. "That jerk gave you a right beating, what a dick" She said, rolling her eyes. Orin did that? No, he wouldn't dare. But he did. And he called him a homophobic slur. Well that settles the sexuality debate. Audrey brushed the side of his head.
"Are you sure you're all right?"
"I've had worse"
This was true. In high school a group of footballers once broke his arm by piling on top of him. He lied to Mr Mushnik by telling him he just fell out of a tree he was climbing.

Seymour looked in the reflective surface of the glass and saw that his right eye was swelling up.

"I deserve this Audrey, don't worry about it"
"Deserve it? How?"
"I did make a mockery of him"

Oh but he'd also had dirty thoughts about him. Dirty, disgusting thoughts. He daydreamed them during work, he had such a vivid one this one time that he had to 'relieve himself' into a plant pot.

"That's no reason to punch you!"
"I guess, well at least he ain't coming back!" He said happily, with that smile that white people do to each other in the street. Yknow the one.

But he wanted Orin to come back, to grab Seymour's waist again and tell him sweet things. He wanted him to get mad at him and fuck him against the counter. Oh god, how he wanted that. And that's when he decided something, he needed a root canal

its just the gas! (not the romantic tension)Where stories live. Discover now