Chapter 10

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"Princess Courtney. Would you like me to go fetch a doctor?" Katie a servant stated as she held my hair, making sure it didn't get in the vomit that was trailing out of my mouth. I really hated doctors but I had been sick for days now. It could possibly be the stomach flu or a virus and the 'the quicker I healed the better' as Mother stated. "Go ahead." I said, for first time not heaving my lungs out. Katie nodded and went to fetch for Dr. Leshawna, the best in all of Valencia.

I stayed put on the ground until Leshawna came, equipment and all. She set down her bags and got her stethoscope and started listening to my heart beat, which I'm sure was rapid. She had been my doctor since I had been a kid, always taking care of me when Mother decided she was too busy to her Motherly duties. "Hey Miss Courtney! What seems to be the problem today?"

I couldn't seem to quite catch my breath so Katie stepped in for me. "She's been vomiting irregularly these past couple of days." Leshawna looked at me and then Katie. "Katie, can you go fetch her some water?" Once Katie had left, Leshawna kneeled in front of me. "I didn't want to ask this in front of Katie, but is there a possibility you could be pregnant?" I couldn't even feel my heart anymore. My memories flashed back to that first night with Duncan. Oh my god. I must've looked horrified because Leshawna grabbed my hand. She laughed. "Courtney. I'm sure your kids will look fine! You will be a great mother! Plus we still have to do the test!" I looked at her in fright. "Leshawna. If I'm pregnant that baby isn't Justin's......"

Leshawna who had been rummaging through her bag for one of those little machines, that finds the babies heart, suddenly stops. "Who in the hells is it?"
I hesitate but say nervously. "That new guard, Duncan's. I've been seeing him for a while now." I started to cry and she put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey now. You might not even be pregnant. But don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." I nodded as she wiped my tears. She got up and locked the door, just in case Katie did come back. She was a good servant but damn did she have a mouth. She definitely wouldn't hesitate to spill the beans to my other servant girl Sadie. I untie my robe and Leshawna puts the cool jelly on my stomach. I shiver. She presses gently o my abdomen and we both stop breathing, trying to see if there's a heartbeat. It's silent for a moment and then...the noise of a heart beating. Leshawna gives me a sympathetic look. She doesn't even have to say it because I already know. I'm pregnant. With Duncan's baby. I start to cry again and this time the tears won't stop flowing. Leshawna stays with me for a while, but soon packs her stuff and leaves. I sit on the bathroom floor, cradling my stomach, which I now know holds a baby. I haven't seen Duncan in days but now I know I have to talk to him. I'm not sad that I'm having Duncan's baby, in any other instance I would've been so happy. But I knew now that we were both screwed.

He was sitting in the grass playing with his lighter. "Hey." I said softly and he immediately stood up. "Where have you been?" He asks me worriedly as he pulls me into a kiss. My heart warms but flops back down as I remember the reason me being here. I really feel like throwing up but I need to tell him now. "Sit down." I say as I gently sit down myself. I'm doing things way more gentle so I don't harm the baby. Leshawna told me I'm about 2 months in. 2 months ago I slept with Duncan. He sits down next to me and looks at me concerned. "We have a situation." I didn't want to say problem because I would love this baby but our asses were screwed. He grabs my hand and I look away. He puts his hand on my chin and forces me to look at him. "Babe. What's wrong?" He asks scared.

I take a deep breath. Now or never. "I'm pregnant." Duncan looks at me in definite shock for what seems like hours. "Your baby." I clarify. I hadn't had sex with Justin in about 3 months so I knew it wasn't his. I start to cry again and I feel Duncan pull me into his arms. "It's going to be okay." I pull away. "No it's not. My moms going to be upset I'm pregnant before marriage and she's going to assume it's Justin's. I will have to lie about the baby's age so he won't find out it's not his, at least until the birth and it will look nothing like him! What are we going to do!?" Duncan runs a hand through his mohawk. "Shit. Fuck. We're going to have to tell your Mother......"
Dun Dun Dunnnnn! Yes! I decided at the last minute to make Courtney pregnant!!!! This story is ending soon. Thank you guys for reading!

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