Chapter 1

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Hi! I'm Amanda. If you are reading this then thank you so so much. I will be forever grateful to you if you read and share this

Anyway enjoy!!

Truth or Dare

Ch 1

*beep beep beep*

Beeping. Thats all I can hear. I wake up to the horrible sound of beeping.

Don't you hate it when you're interrupted when you're having a good dream? Yeah me too.

Come to think of it, what was with that dream? It was Mila and me. We were hanging out like always and we were slowly leaning in. But the stupid alarm clock decided 'Hey! Jakes having a dream he's enjoying! Let's ruin it for him'

I look at my, still beeping alarm clock, and- "oh shit!" I'm late!

No one bothered waking me up!

I ran into my bathroom, almost tripping in the process. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and ran back to my room.

I got dressed and ran down the stairs whilst fixing my messy-ass hair.

Even my hair hates me today.

I entered the kitchen and looked for my mom. "Mom?! Why didn't you wake me up?", I called out. I saw my mom walk into the kitchen. She had a smile on her face which most definitely said 'I might be smiling but I wanna rip off your butt right now' Ouch!

"Oh I'm sorry, Jake. I forgot that I switched places with your stupid alarm clock!"

Okay, well looks like she's in a bad mood. That makes the two of us.

I ignored my mom and stuffed the pancakes in my mouth and hurried towards the door. I bumped into my dad in the process and he just stood there like a dummy and didn't move.
"Ugh! Dad I don't have time for this!"

"Whoah there! Whatch your tone kid and why are you in such a hurry, JayJay?"

Okay... please ignore whatever my dad just called me!

This made me get all the more frustrated! My dad loves calling me weird names.

"Dad I'm late!" I yelled.

"Again, watch your tone and no, you're not late." He looked so serious and I was just standing there thinking whether I should punch him or leave. Hey! I love my dad. I really do. But sometimes I just feel like I was adopted. It's the norm for me.

"But my alarm cl-" I was interrupted by a girly giggle.

I snapped my head towards who was giggling, now laughing hysterically. My sister was hitting the kitchen counter and dying.

I swear if she wasn't my sister I would've been arrested for murder by now.

"When did you-" I was interrupted AGAIN by my sister.

God she's so annoying. I hate it when people interrupt me.

"God! You're such a loser! I snuck into your room and changed the time. You didn't even notice! You were snoring like a pig."

Okay. One question, when the heck she hear pigs snoring?

"Whatever!" I said and headed outside the house. I checked the time and according to my phone I had a LOT of time to spare. So I decided to head to my friend Amelia's house.

Okay let me first introduce my not-so-cool-but-I-still-love-them family.

Hi! I'm Jake Simons
My sister- Jane Simons
She's three years older than me.
My mom- Sophia Simons
My dad- Gary Simons

I consider Amelia my family so...

Amelia- her family and I like to call her Mila. We have been best friends ever since kindergarten, I guess?

I walk upto Mila's house and knock on the door. I still get mesmerized when I see her huge house. Her family's filthy rich.

Suddenly I heard the door open and was shaken out of my mini trance. I saw Mila's smiling face at the door.

Thank you for reading.
Let me know what you think.
Follow my bff
She helped me edit and I love her! Thank you again

- x_xAmandax_x

over and out

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