Chapter 10

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Konnichiwa! Amanda here! So recently I got an idea for another story. But I thought I'd post it after I finish ToD(Truth or Dare).

Pic of AnnaSophia aka Amelia cuz she's pretty!! ♥

Ok anyways.... here's chapter 10 :)

Amelia's P.O.V

I was scared. Terrified. Afraid. I felt everything that describes fear.

I didn't know what to do. I was lost. My hands left the gentle care of Jake's hand. I had not been to the amusement park much, so I didn't know what to do.

I was never one to go to places which were surrounded by tons of people. Always protected. Anything that upset me was removed from my sight.

I hated it. All the attention I got from others. She's lucky. Or I wish my life was as easy as hers. Truth is, it was never easy. I got the best but I was supposed to return the best. The amount of attention I got from everyone around me was more than the attention I got from my parents.

They were busy with their work. They never had time for me.

Jake was different.

That's why I liked him. He was always honest.

That's why at that time I wanted to see him. I wanted to hold his hand. I wanted him to smile at me and tell me he's enjoyed himself.

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled from my spot. I gasped.

I saw Jake in front of me, hair messed up, a worried yet relieved look on his face.

He pulled me into his arms, tightly holding onto me, like his life depended on it. We stood like that for a few minutes until he released me and smiled and gently patted me on my head.

I let it all out. I didn't hold back. All the feelings inside me bursting out. Jake hugged me and stroked my head.

"It's alright now. Shh... it's okay" he said softly.

All my feelings that were bottled up inside finally revealed itself. Everything I felt towards my family, friends, people surrounding me, and especially Jake, came out.

No one understood. Not even Chloe and Monique. But somehow, Jake did. He never went through any of this.


I left his arms and looked at him. I was smiling. He looked at me and smiled back.

Why was I smiling?

Because Jake understands. He understands what I thought no one did. He would never hurt me. I know it.

I tried leaning in to kiss him but I was interrupted by someone screaming our names.

I saw Fred and Tim running towards us, waving their hands.

"Hey guys! Wow! What a surprise! Who would've thought you guys would be here too!" Tim exclaimed.

Two times.

I was interrupted two times! What did I do in my past that this happens? Is it karma?

"Yeah, we were just leaving." Jake said and took my hand and we left.
Jake's P.O.V

The date went out well. I guess.

Well if you removed the part where she gets lost, then it was a good date.

I dropped her at her place. She was itching to kiss me, but didn't show it, but I told her that my mom asked me to get the groceries.

I feel bad. Really bad.


*sigh* I know . Short...

I'm tired.

Oh! I made my own joke! Wanna listen? Your answer doesn't matter cuz I can't see or hear you.

Ok so I go to the pet shop to adopt a dog. (Let's name him king Collin)(the dog from night changes)
So I adopt Collin and all the other dogs tell Collin in dog language "Oh Collin! You lucky son of a bitch!"

Ahahahahahhaahahahaha!!!! XD

Get it? Lol.


- x_xAmandax_x
Over and out

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