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«Y/n, just go and talk to him,» Susan keeps pushing. You shake your head rapidly. «Are you crazy? No way.»

You're sitting on the field behind the school; watching the boys at football practice.

Susan rolls her eyes. «You have to shoot your shot, y/n. Who's to say he doesn't feel the same way? I've seen the way you guys have been flirting.»

You bite your lip in uncertainty. «Johnny Lawrence does not have feelings for me, and I do not have feelings for him. It's just a stupid crush, it's going to pass.»

Susan snorts. «Yeah, maybe when you're eighty.» She gets up and starts walking towards them. «Susan!» You hiss at her; wanting her to stop, but at the same time not wanting to make a scene.

«Relax!» She shouts over her shoulder as she walks on towards Johnny. She pulls him to the side, and they both look at you whilst they're talking.

You bury your face in your hands. This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't-

«Hey, y/n,» shoots in from above you. You dare look up and find Johnny standing there; his chest exposed and sweat dripping down his toned abdomen.

He slumps down beside you. «Susan said you had something important to tell me?»

You find Susan leaning against the fence surrounding the field; waving her fingers teasingly at you. You shoot her a glare.

«Wonder why she'd say that!» You say and force a laugh. Johnny tilts his head to the side and raises his eyebrows. You return his expression. «I'm not telling you anything.»

Johnny's lip curls into a smirk. «Oh, yeah?» He says as he moves closer to you. «What are you doing?» You say worriedly as his eyes turn to slits.

«Johnny, no,» you say and wave a warning finger in his face. It doesn't help. He throws himself over you and starts tickling your stomach; forcing loud screams out of you.

«Johnny, stop!» You yell between sobs of laughter. «Stop it, I said stop-!» «Tell me your secret, and I'll stop,» Johnny says with a smirk and keeps tickling you.

You roll around the grass trying to catch your breath while Johnny pins your hands down. Johnny's hair brushes against your forehead; adding to the tickling sensation you're feeling everywhere.

«Fine! I have a crush on you!» You finally blurt out when the sensation becomes too much. Johnny pulls back, and his smile slowly fades. «Are you serious?»

You sit upright on the grass; still gasping for air. Johnny's question lingers in the air before you take a deep breath. «I'm sorry, it's stupid, I know,» you say and flush from embarrassment.

You look down at your hands. Then you feel Johnny's thumb under your chin; tilting your head upwards.

«It's not stupid,» he says softly. You smile slightly.

«It's not?»

«Absolutely not.»

He smiles at you. «Actually, I've liked you for a while. But you're hard to get alone.»

Your cheeks sting once more. Johnny chuckles and puts a hand to your face. His hand is cold against your burning skin. It feels nice.

«You- you like me?» You say in a stutter; feeling both confused and relieved. Johnny nods. «Guess you didn't pick up on all the signs I gave you.»

You chuckle lightly. «Wow, that's- I mean that's just- wow. I can't believe you never said anything. God, I feel so stupid now. I should've done something sooner or-»

You're interrupted by Johnny's index finger against your lips. «The stupid one here is me,» he says and leans in closer, so close your noses almost touch.

«For not making you mine a long time ago.»

You feel yourself blush again. Johnny cups your face in his hands. Then he kisses you. And you feel like you can finally breathe out after holding your breath for minutes.

You feel so light you could float, but Johnny's hands are keeping you down. His lips taste like vanilla, and he smells clean, even though he's sweaty.

Johnny places his hand on your waist and draws you closer; deepening the kiss. As you eventually part, you see his lips curve up into a smile, and you can't help but smile back.

He pulls you into a hug where you rest your arms around his neck, and your head on his shoulder.

«I guess you're mine now,» he says lowly into your ear. He can't see your face, but you're grinning wider than you've ever grinned before.

«I guess I am.»

𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now