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January 17, 2004

"Where is this jet going?" Ben asked.

"Be quiet," the pilot barked. "We are taking you where the stupid American capitalists cannot get to your feeble little brain!!! Now shush before I cut open your throat!"

"Bruh,why you gotta be so annoying. God." "Bet" Ben talked back.

Ben has continued to be a little fucking annoying ass bitch to the pilot, and everyone else on the plane. He knew it would be too risky for the North Korean government to kill another citizen, and get more sanctions against them. Anything that he did, Ben knew the consequence would be anything but death and torture.

"Ugh, this annoying spoiled American brat cannot shut the hell up" remarked another kidnap victim.

"That's it!" shouted the head pilot. "I want you dead." Kimberly, who was the co-pilot of the plane, decided to step in, and follow the pilot's orders. She took a needle, and began pumping in sewage from the plane's toilet straight into the annoying kid's heart, and veins. Ben was 2 seats down from this little fuck, and realized the grave consequences if he messed up, or was a bitch to the staff, administration, or other people who weren't kidnapping victims in this game.

The pilot proceeds to pretend like he knows that hes doing, and attempt a landing of the plane. "Kimberly, bruh, shut up, stupid bruh. I was certified online as a pilot. I don't need any real experience to do easy stuff like this. Complain one more time and I will open the airplane window and shove you out. Understood?" Kimberly sits back down and goes back to helpign the head pilot land. He puts the gears down, and a aims for the runway. Nothing short of a miracle could help save them. But in fact, Kim Il Sung's dead ghost rose up from the ground and saved them from dying!!!! Slowly, but surely, the plane lowered, and lurched in all kinds of directions. 20 more meters to go before touchdown on the runway. The dilapidated runway lights barley shine as the sun sets.

"Oh my god! When is this stupid pilot actually going to land this stupid fucking plane??? Am I going to live past this??" Ben cried. The plane shook so much, Ben thought he was going to die. Pulling out a shotgun from beneath the airplane seat, the pilot threatens Ben, "Goddammit, shut the hell up for once in your life or I'm going to throw you out the window!" Ben looks over to the window the pilot was pointing at and notices that the only thing standing between safe cabin pressure, and everyone dying was some saran wrap one of the plane mechanics used to replace the glass. There even some little bits of food on one side!

Once the jet tumbles to a complete halt, the passengers begin to exit. The pilot motions for Ben to stay in his cage, all chained up and wait for Kim himself to unlock the chains from all of his limbs. One kid's harness wasn't attached right, and he went flying into his harness. He broke his skull, and his spine. The dumb little idiot was in so much pain, but the guards began laughing. They had saw that it was the funniest thing that hey had seen in weeks.

"Bruh, why am I even here in the first place," Ben complains. "Do people really have broken backs, or is it just another prank?" "Bruh."

"Someone come get this fucking kid off my plane or I swear to god, I will burn it with all of you inside." The pilot then suddenly pulls out a canister of gasoline and throws it around in the air while still barley managing to drive the plane safely. The plane cabin quickly fills with the smell of gasoline fumes, and the kid who broke his back near Ben had surely passed out by now. If not passed out, he was fully dead.

15 Minutes Later

Meanwhile, Kim, the 'god' himself appears beforehand. He has the golden key that unlocks Ben, and the other kidnapped children from their chains. Right before Kim leaned down to unlock the locks, Ben mocks Kim.

"You kinky little rocket man" Ben talked back. "You are very weird for liking this kind of shit. I bet your parents would disown you if they ever discovered what you were doing!

The guards throw their metal battons at Ben as cruel punishment. Ben is quickly thrown out of concience, and the guards wake him up moments later.

"Bruh. Why did you wake me up? You could have just killed me" Said Ben rolling his eyes.

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