The (Not) Final Showdown

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"Bruhhhhhhh, where are we thus time?" Ben was crying.

"Stop crying like a stupid loser or I will kill you now." the guard snaps.

He kicks Ben repeatedly until one of his ribs cracks.

"Owwww, what was that for."

"Just for fun."

"Ok now. Stop the foolery." Kim yells.

"Time for the final showdown. You will be tortured by the guards. The one who is able to withstand it the longest wins. The wuss who chickens out first will be sentenced to a very painful death. May the odds be not in your favor." Kim announces.

The competition would start soon. Ben was on the verge of getting up and attempting to leave. He noticed that there were the same shackles drilled into his bones, once again.

"Ugh, not again. Bruh, why did my parents make me do this? I'm pretty sure I'm not a disappointment. Why??" Ben murmured to himself.

Kim replied with, "You will be a disappointment if you don't drag that drill into your bones. It will really bring out the flavor in this competition! The more, the merrier!! :D"

In the heat of the moment, Ben had frozen. On one hand, he was just about able to fill the pain meter required to be done with the current set of challenges. However, on the other hand, this procedure was going to give Ben more pain than he would have ever imagined driving the shakles back into his bones.

"Bruh, Kim, you are annoying af. Why are you so annoying and ugly??" Groaned Ben.

kim had gotten really annoyed that Ben was judging him, instead of crying in pain. But then, in an instant, Kim had a very cruel idea. Here was his plan. Kim was going to offer Ben the opportunity to go "home". However, he would just take him to a house with the word "home" on it. Then, when Ben accused Kim of lying, he would just say "I did take you to home". With an evil maniac laugh straight afterwards. There would also be no legal liability, as Kim can change the rules, and laws in North Korea at an instant, to his will! But again, there was another need to make this more cruel in Kim's mind. However, kim could not figure out for the life of him how to achieve a more evil idea.

To his head, Kim thought "How can I do this as inhumanley as possible? What about a really cruel prank that is different instead?"

Then a very big idea popped into Kim's head! Let's violate the Geneva Convention Rules!! Well, Kim couldn't really violate these rules, as North Korea hadn't even signed the convention rules in the first place anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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